Book Sorting with Well Condition and Well Served for the Reader 

Lodan Wetan, Sarang, Rembang (Thursday, 16/1). Team I Community Service Undip did a book sorting with well condition and well served for the reader in SD Negeri 1 Lodan Wetan on Thursday (16/1). This activity was aimed to group appropriate books and to easier the process of borrowing books. This activity was done by Amelia Dyah Kusumawardhani, a student from Library Science and Muhammad Sunu Adinugroho, a student from English Department on 09.30 – 13.30 WIB.

This program was started by asking permission to the headmaster of SD Negeri 1 Lodan Wetan, Mrs. Tutit Setyowati, S.Pd., SD. After getting the permission, the program continued by cleaning the library and ended with sorting the books. In sorting books, there are categories that suitable for processing the books:

– The physical book is still intact (the cover and contents of the book are not torn and still complete)

– The information contained in the library materials is still complete and can be used as reference material

In the library of SDN 1 Lodan Wetan, there are many kinds of book such as : textbooks, literary works (fairy tales, novels and folklore), teachers’ guide book, social books, science and applied science books, and religious books.

Those books were categorized whether as well conditioned and well served books or not based on the categories that had been mentioned. After the books sorting, the next step is inventorization of library material and call number determination and shelving.

“I hope that by this program, it could make the library in SDN 1 Lodan Wetan become better and neater, also the students’ reading interest increases”

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