UNDIP Thematic Community Service 2020 Processed Moringa Leaves to Become MP ASI “Nutrient Innovation Intake for Babies as Complementary Food which Is Healthy and Have High Nutrient Value “

Nowadays, Moringa leaves are well-known by many people. The nutrient in Moringa leaves offers many health benefits, especially for children. Rich in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that are good for children makes Moringa leaves processed into healthy food. Moringa leaves also have a high nutritional value to fulfill the malnutrition. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), mothers can add about 10-15 grams of Moringa leaf powder to every 100g of formula milk to strengthen and increase the nutritional value of milk for babies who are older than 6 months.

The process of Moringa leaves for babies can be used as one solution to reduce stunting. It is caused by the high fiber contained in the leaves can be used as breast milk for babies older than 6 months. The MP ASI can be a factor of children’s growth and development. Children’s growth and development are determined by 1000 HPK (First Day of Life) and one of them is supplementary feeding after the child is 6 months older.

The innovation of pudding made of Moringa leaves is for the child who is older than a year as an MP ASI  helps the process of growth and development for the infants. This is supported by the availability of Moringa leaves in Tambaksari village yet their utilization is still not optimum. In addition, the locals are still in doubt with the Moringa leaves since they are bitter and are still difficult for babies to digest. Therefore,  Diponegoro University students who are members of the Undip Thematic Community Service 2020 in Tambaksari Village, Blora District, Blora Regency in collaboration with the Department of Youth, Sports and Tourism in Central Java (Disporapar Central Java) under the guidance of Fahmi Arifan, S.T., M.Eng and Dr. Sri Winarni, M. Kes made the innovation of ASI Complementary Food (MP-ASI) which is healthy and has high nutritional value. The healthy and right processing of Moringa leaves makes Undip students optimistic that their innovation of Moringa leaf pudding is not bitter and definitely healthy. In addition, the innovation of Moringa leaf pudding can also be a solution to MP ASI that is diversified, healthy and has nutritional value for babies as a complementary food to reduce stunting.

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