Undip Policies That are In-line with MRPTNI

Majelis Rektor Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Indonesia (MRPTNI) have issued a Press Release number 052 / SP / MRPTNI / V / 2020. The press Releases was delivered by Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, SH., M.Hum as Head of the MRPTNI through a zoom meeting on Tuesday (5/5).

This Press Release was published based on the unpredicted development of the Covid-19 pandemic escalation in Indonesia and would have an impact on the learning process in higher education. There were 5 things delivered in the press release, namely:

  1. Concerns of Higher education leaders who then issued policies to help the financial condition of students’ parents affected by the covid-19 pandemic with temporary exemptions, reductions, cluster shifts, installment payments and tuition postponement by keeping the applicable regulations in mind. Given the impact of the pandemic were not only on students, but also on lecturers and education staff, it is also necessary to maintain the sustainability of PTN operations.
  2. That according to the Circular from the Minister of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia number 3 of 2020 dated March 3, 2020 concerning the prevention of Covid-19 in the education unit has resulted in universities conducting lectures online which has an impact on the increasing need for internet data plan for students and lecturers.
  3. That the Large-Scale Social Limitation (PSBB) policy by the Government instructs leaders of higher education institutions to safeguard and meet the needs of students who are still living around the area.
  4. Efforts will be made to implement the early semester of 2020-2021 according to the academic calendar to withstand the rising operational costs due to the reduction in PNBP.
  5. That the UTBK-SBMPTN 2020 will be pursued according to the plan, which will be carried out on 12-22 July 2020 by following the Covid-19 protocol and the development of the Covid-19 pandemic escalation.

In-line with the 5 points above, Diponegoro University has provided various policies and assistance to ensure the continuity of the studies and the fulfillment of the life needs of students who are still living around the area due to current conditions.


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