Undip FKM Prepares Sharing Session to Combat COVID-19

The Undip Faculty of Public Health cooperates with the Association of Indonesian Public Health Scholars and Associates (PERSAKMI) and the FKM Alumni Association (IKA FKM) inviting Public Health Scholars as well as S1, S2 and S3 FKM students and STIKES of the Public Health Study Program to join the Taiwan Experiences session in Overcoming the COVID-19 Pandemic. This Sharing Session to Combat COVID-19 event titled How did Taiwan Against COVID-19 will be held on Wednesday (5/13) via online zoom conference. The speakers presents were Prof. Yinghuei Chen (Dean of International College, Asia University, Taiwan) moderated by Hanifa M. Denny, SKM., MPH, Ph.D who previously served as the Dean of FKM for the 2015-2019 period. Register via https://bit.ly/sharingtocombatcovid19.


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