27 UNDIP Professors Included in 500 Indonesia’s Best Researchers

As much as 27 Diponegoro University Professors were included in the list of 500 Best Researchers in Indonesia. This announcement was made by the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the Research and Innovation Agency (Menristek / Kelapa BRIN), Bambang PS Brodjonegoro during his remarks at the SINTA Series 2020 event through online meeting application from B.J. Habibie Building, Central Jakarta on Thursday (05/28/2020) afternoon. The announcement of 500 Best Researchers is to appreciate Indonesian researchers who have contributed in publishing international reputable journals.

The included Diponegoro University’s best researchers in Indonesia were:

  1. Prof. Dr. Hadiyanto, ST., M. Sc. (57th place)
  2. Prof. Dr. Jamari, ST., MT (62nd placee)
  3. Wahyu Caesandra, ST., M.Eng., Ph.D. (97th place)
  4. Prof. Dr. Imam Ghozali, M.Com., Ph. D. (108th place)
  5. Prof. Dr. Sugeng Wahyudi, MM (130th place)
  6. Prof. Dr. Ir. Agus Sabdono, M.Sc (135th place)
  7. Prof. Drs. Ocky Karna, M.Sc., Ph.D. (168th place)
  8. Agus Triyanto, ST., M. Sc., Ph. D. (179th place)
  9. Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA (184th place)
  10. Nita Aryanti, ST., MT., Ph.D. (187th place)
  11.  Sugiharto, S.Pt., M. Sc., Ph.D. (206th place)
  12. Prof. Dr. rer nat. ir. Athanasius Priharyanto Bayuseno, M.Sc. (215th place)
  13. Dr. Mohammad Tauviqirrahman, ST., MT (244th place)
  14. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sutrisno Anggoro, MS (245th place)
  15. Prof. Dr. Tutuk Joko Kusworo, ST., M. Eng., Ph.D. (260th place)
  16. Dra. Turrini Yudiarti, M.Sc. (332nd place)
  17.   Prof.Dr. Ir. Isroli, MP (340th place)
  18. Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA (364th place)
  19. Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Zainuri, DEA (380th place)
  20.  Dr. Suryono, S.Sc., M. Si (384th place)
  21. Prof. Dr. rer.nat.Heru Susanto, ST., MM., MT. (408th place)
  22. Prof. Widayat, ST., MT. (4th place)
  23. Prof. Dr.Heri Susanto, S.Sc., M.Sc. (433rd order)
  24. Dr.Dra.R.R.Endang Widiastuti Retno Kawuri, M.Sc. (439th place)
  25.  Prof. Suryono (455th place)
  26. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. (476th place)
  27. Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho Sugiarto, ST., M.Sc. (484th place)

This ranking of 500 Best Researchers were based on indicators of the number of journal articles indexed in Scopus by calculating the journal quartile category, numbers of non-journal articles indexed in Scopus, numbers of citations in Scopus, numbers of citations in Google Scholar and numbers of articles in national journals accredited under S1 to S6 categories. The performance evaluation of this research was calculated over the past three years from 2017 to 2019. From over 194 thousand researchers and lecturers who have been registered in SINTA database, a ranking of 500 Best Indonesian Researchers were made. Diponegoro University highly appreciates the reputation of the professors and hopes that in the future the progress of the lecturers will be even more advanced.

“The university hopes that everyone will continue to advance further in the coming years. These achievements prove that Undip can establish itself as a World Class Research University, ” explained Diponegoro University Rector Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum.

In addition to encouraging professors and lecturers of Diponegoro University to actively conduct research, the university will also attempt to improve the equipment, facilities and research budgets.

“All this time Undip has created an a very conductive atmosphere for its lecturers to conduct research and publications. In the future, equipment, facilities and research incentive schemes as well as the amount of the budget will be increased even further,” Prof. Yos added.

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