Highlighting the Role of BUMN Animal Husbandry in the Public’s Poultry Industry, FPP Collaborates with PT. Berdikari

The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University has again contributed to the development of science, specifically in the field of poultry farming. The webinar which was held on August 6, 2020, was able to attract high enthusiasm from the public. It was recorded that 434 participants consisting of practitioners, lecturers, government officials, and students from Aceh to Papua participated in this webinar.

In collaboration with PT Berdikari (Persero), on which will also celebrate its 54th anniversary, FPP Undip tries to dissect ways to maximize the role of PT. Berdikari towards the sustainability of the public’s poultry industry. Given that so far, poultry is one of the livestock commodities that are widely cultivated by the public community, though there are still many unresolved issues.

The discussions were conducted by 3 experts in their fields starting from the Director of PT. Berdikari (Harry Warganegara), Director of Livestock Breeding and Production, Directorate General of PKH Ministry of Agriculture (Ir. Sugiono, M.P), and an expert from IPB (Dr. drh. Trioso Purnawarnan, M.Si). The results of the discussion and Q&A with the participants produced several important points as follows:

  1. Optimization of the role from Berdikari can only become efficient if the form of business integration is holistic, not partial and has the same standard of integration as other private poultry industries, so that it can compete in business efficiency.
  2. The business plan from PT Bedikari can be successful if it starts from the breeding stock business.
  3. PT Berdikari needs to prepare and owns supporting infrastructure as a well-integrated company, starting from complete housing facilities, hatcheries, RPHU, Cold Storage, Feed Factory, etc., as well as human resources with reliable farm and hatchery managerial mastery.
  4. PT Berdikari needs to be able to become the BULOG of Poultry in Indonesia so that it can act as a price STABILIZER, which functions to be able to secure the price of Live Chickens (Live Birds) produced by smallholder breeders.
  5. PT Berdikari must be able to implement an Integrated Farming System from upstream to downstream.

Dr. Ir. Bambang W.H.E.P, M.S., M.Agr.Sc., IPU as Dean of the FPP and the event moderator also said that this kind of activities must be carried out in a sustainable manner, not just an ordinary one-way webinar. This theme is also considered as interesting because there are not many webinars that raise the issue of how industry is involved in the development of public’s poultry farming. The event was then closed with the distribution of vouchers worth Rp. 250,000 to the 5 selected questioners and a voucher worth Rp. 50,000 to 8 participants at random. All of these prizes are a form of support from PT. Berdikari to the community in further developing knowledge in the poultry sector.

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