Perhepi Komda Semarang In Collaboration with Agribusiness Undip Masters to Discuss the Supply Chain of Agricultural Products in the Midst of Pandemic

The discussion regarding corona has not yet reached a node. Corona is still a topic of conversation for the majority of people, especially among academicians. Given that this pandemic affects all lines of life. One of the main impacts affected is in the agricultural sector, of which distribution process is disrupted. Farmers suffer losses, consumers also have difficulty filling its food necessities. This theme also discussed by agribusiness experts who are members of the Indonesian Agricultural Economic Association (PERHEPI) Semarang Regional Commissariat.

PERHEPI in collaboration with Agribusiness’s Masters, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University, held a Webinar with the theme “Strategy of Implementing Supply Chain of Agribusiness Products Towards Efficient Marketing During Pandemic Period” on Thursday, 27-08-2020. This webinar presents Prof. Nunung Nuryantono from IPB, Suryo Banendro, M.P as the Head of the Central Java Agriculture and Plantation Service, and Prof. Siswanto Imam Santoso from Undip.

During the 3 hours of sessions, three speakers stated that in this current condition, the agricultural sector becomes a safeguard for basic human needs. Even so, the challenges are very complex, especially since there are mobility restrictions due to corona. Everyone is not free to move in and out of an area because of the pandemic. Not only human mobility, but it also impacts on the food supply chain. So far, agricultural conditions in Indonesia have been concentrated in rural areas. Farmers mostly live in villages even though their consumers are concentrated in urban areas. Added to this is the fact that the main food producers are still concentrated on the island of Java, despite the fact that the consumers are spread from Sumatra to Papua. This problem is of common concern, so that in the future there is a need for a mapping of food conditions.

Not only holding a webinar, on this occasion an inauguration of the Semarang Komda PERHEPI committee was also held. On this occasion, the Chairman of PERHEPI Komda Semarang for the period 2020-2023, Dr. Edy Prasetyo stated that agricultural problems have become increasingly complex, especially in the midst of current conditions. Therefore, PERHEPI is present in the community to contribute thoughts and energy so that farmers can be more successful. It was recorded that this inauguration was attended by 400 participants consisting of practitioners, lecturers, government officials, and students from all over Indonesia.

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