SEBEMOT and SEBEVIMOT, Robot by UNDIP Ready to Assist Semarang City Government Services

Many efforts have been made to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus. From understanding the dangers of the virus to implementing strict health protocols to break the chain of the Covid 19 virus.

UNDIP as a research university along with the Semarang City Government have built a synergy by collaborating to develop research and technology. Mayor of Semarang H. Hendrar Prihadi, SE., MM revealed, since witnessing the 159th Undip graduation with a robot display replacing the graduation due to the pandemic, it inspires him to collaborate in developing UNDIP research results to help the Semarang City Government in its efforts to deal with the Covid 19 pandemic. He added that the Semarang City Government is ready to become a laboratory for the development and further research of UNDIP research results, especially those that support the acceleration of the handling of Covid 19. The plan is that the robots that will be used to assist services will be placed in the lobby of the city hall and the One Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service (DPM- PTSP) Semarang city as well as public library. The robot with its sweetened appearance like denok and kenang is expected to be able to support the excellent service of the Semarang City Government and help accelerate the handling of the Covid 19 pandemic by avoiding direct contact.

Meanwhile, UNDIP Rector Prof. Yos Johan Utama strongly supports collaboration with the Semarang City Government to develop research and technology from UNDIP experts and researchers. Prof. Yos highly appreciates all Semarang Mayor’s programs that make Semarang a smart city. As an appreciation for the achievements of the Semarang City Government in building the city of Semarang and efforts to deal with Covid 19, we gave the name of a robot by UNDIP to support the excellent service of the Semarang City Government, which is SEBEMOT which stands for Semarang Best Mayor Robot for male robots and SEBEVIMOT which stands for Semarang Best Vice Mayor Robot for the female robot, said Prof. Yos at the Signing of a Joint Commitment between the Semarang City Government and UNDIP regarding Support for Research and Technology Development in the context of Handling the Covid 19 Pandemic in Semarang City, on Wednesday (16/9/2020) at the Loka Krida Room, Semarang City, Moch Ichsan Building Lt. VIII.

It is hoped that the synergy between UNDIP and the Semarang City Government will provide many benefits to the community and especially accelerate the handling of Covid 19 in the city of Semarang.

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