
Social Anthropology Study Program UNDIP Determines to Achieve Excellent Accreditation

SEMARANG – Study Program of Social Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) UNDIP is determined to achieve the title of excellence, even though the age of this study program is not yet ten years old. The management of the study program is currently preparing the requirements needed to request new accreditation in 2021.
The head of the Social Anthropology Study Program of FIB UNDIP, Dr. Amirudin, stated that his determination to achieve the title of excellence both administratively, technically and academically continues to be strengthened so that the evaluation of the status of the Study Program in 2021 can achieve maximum results. “Hopefully, from the current status we can immediately achieve the title of superior”, said Amirudin, Wednesday (14/10/2020).

According to Amir, who was once the Chair of the Central Java KPID and a commissioner at the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), the ranks of the Social Anthropology Study Program of UNDIP felt compelled to improve their accreditation status seeing the rapid interest in entering the Social Anthropology Study Program of UNDIP. Judging from the number of prospective students who register, this study program is in the middle of the study programs at Diponegoro University. “The ratio of applicants to available seats is around one to sixteen”, he added.

UNDIP Social Anthropology Study Program was established in 2014, and is the youngest study program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB). Starting with 20 students in the first batch, each year there is an increase in the quota. In 2020, from about 2500 applicants, 150 students are accepted to study here.

The increase in the number of students is possible because the number of lecturers is still very adequate. Of course, Amir as the doctor of anthropology, a graduate of the University of Indonesia, states that UNDIP Social Anthropology Study Program is also supported by adequate learning facilities and infrastructure. The support and commitment of the university to provide needs and development including laboratories also make this study program grow rapidly.

Most of the teaching staff have doctoral degrees, and two of them are already professors, namely Prof. Dr. Mudjahirin Thohir, M.A. and Prof. Dr. Nurdien H Kristanto, M.A., Ph.D. In addition to adequate teaching staff, ethno-photography and ethno-audiovisual laboratories are available which are now actively documenting the richness of national culture.
Currently, the number of people studying in the Social Anthropology Undergraduate Program of FIB UNDIP is not less than 400 students. They come from various regions in Indonesia. This study program has also graduated around 40 students with a Bachelor of Social Sciences (S.Sos). It should be noted, there are quite a lot of state universities that have Social Anthropology Study Programs, 12 universities that have this program, including the University of Indonesia, UGM, Unair, Unpad, Udayana University, Unhas Makassar, Kendari University and Andalas Padang University.

Regarding the high interest in entering the Social Anthropology Study Program, Amirudin said that the need for social anthropology scholars is indeed very high with the existence of Law Number 5 of 2017 concerning Cultural Advancement. The enactment of the law on cultural advancement implies the emergence of a need for a cultural guardian profession in every region of regional government, and there is even a need for social anthropologists to fill posts in Indonesian embassy offices.

“The opportunities and prospects are still open and very good. Therefore, we strive to be a superior Cultural Anthropology Program organizer, because there are quite a lot of organizers of this Study Program. What is certain is that Undip focuses on modern human culture, not classical ones”, he said.

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