Announcement: Diponegoro University New Student Medical Examination for Academic Year 2020/2021

We hereby convey the mechanism for medical examination for new Diponegoro University students for the Academic Year of 2020/2021:

  1. Given that in a global pandemic,medical examination is not possible to be carried out directly at the Diponegoro National Hospital (Rumah Sakit Nasional Diponegoro), the medical examination of new students are carried out in their respective regions/domiciles.
  2. Prospective students areurged to do examination at one of the following health service facilities:
  • – Central General Hospital (Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat); or
  • – Regional General Hospital (Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah); or
  • – Community Health Center (Puskesmas)
  1. Medicalexamination includes:
  • – Physical test (all students)
  • – Color blindness test (for study programs that require it)
  • – Psychometric test (for study programs that require it)
  • – Drug test (all students)

Health requirements per study program are listed in the Appendix

  1. Students download the willingness sheet and medical examinationsform on the page on menu: Cetak Formulir&KTM.
  2. The form referred to in number 4 is only for color blindness and drug testing. The format for psychometric examination (especially for study programs that require it) depends on each RSUP / RSUD / Puskesmas.
  3. In carrying outmedical examination, students should submit: The medical examination form (as referred to in number 4) to the medical staff of the hospital concerned, and the results of the students’ medical examination shall be written into the form.
  1. Students who have uploaded the physical test results (health certificate) at the time of registration,can reuse the results of the physical examination, by validating the previous data into a new health examination form, and verification (with signatures and stamps) by health workers where the previous medical examination was carried out (Please also attach the previous examination results).
  2. Students upload all medical examination results on the page on menu Upload Berkas Kolom Tes Kesehatan at the latest on November 15th 2020.
  3. Students who do not upload themedical examination results within the specified time limit, cannot complete the Study Plan Entry (IRS) for the second semester.
  4. The results of the medical examination will be verified by the officer and will be announced on December 4, 2020 through the portal on menu Tes Kesehatan.
  5. Students whohave PASSED the test, can continue to study activities in the study program that is currently occupied.
  6. Students who areannounced as NOT PASSED due to incomplete files or failed uploads, can re-upload the files on 4-6 December 2020.
  7. Students who areannounced as NOT PASSED because the results of the medical examination do not meet the requirements of the study program currently occupied, following the written mechanism on menu Tes Kesehatan on the website
  • Financial-related provisions for students moving study programs:
  • The amount of UKT / SPP semester 1 (one) is paid according to the rate in the old study program.
  • The amount of UKT / SPP semester 2 (two) and so on is paid according to the rate in the new study program with the same class in the old study program.
  • Specifically for entry routes that require SPI payment, the amount of SPI is paid according to the rate in the new study program with the same class in the old study program.
  • Specificallyfor students who are accepted through the UM Partnership route, the amount of SPI is paid according to the SPI Group 2 rate for the new study program.
  • The amount of tuition fees is in accordance with theRector’s Decree Number 149 / UN7.P / HK / 2020 for undergraduate and diploma programs, and theRector’s Decree Number 327 / UN7.P / HK / 2020 for postgraduate programs (can be downloaded on the web ).
  • All provisions contained in other documents related to the medical examination of Undip’s new students for the Academic Yearof2020/2021 refer to this Rector’s announcement.
  • Further information can bequestioned by stating the participant number,name, and path of entry via:

More information can be downloaded in the following file:

  • UNDIP New Student Medical Examination File for Academic Year of 2020/2021
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