Startup Fest 2020 “Helping Society Through Startup”

The global era and the development of the machine lead to increasing the number of entrepreneurs in a massive way. Many students in the university are succeeding at a young age, but some of them still confused about starting their business startup. Some problems include the financial, the creative idea to start with, and dealing with the global competition. Realizing the problem faced by the students, the Students’ Entrepreneur Community of Faculty of Economics in collaboration with KKIB Business Incubator UNDIP held the Startup Fest with the theme of Helping Society through Startup via Zoom in October 3rd, 2020.

The event invites three business practitioners, Aryo Wiryawan as Founder & Chairman of JALA, Eva Bachtiar as Founder and CEO of GardaPangan, and Arif Fajar Saputra, Ibunda. id. With support from Erasmus+ and Smart Project, the UNDIP can succeed in the agenda of Startup Fest. The aim of the activity was to create a new startup business in UNDIP by coaching and sharing with the expertise. In that activity, some participants share their business startup idea and get feedback from the speakers. Mr. Idris as supervisor of Students Entrepreneurship Community of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, expressed his gratitude to Erasmus + with and Smart Project, Undip KKIB Business Incubator team, FEB Undip Entrepreneurship Student Group, and three speakers. He hoped that the startup fest will create more startups in UNDIP so they can contribute to society.

Three speakers presented their amazing ideas and experiences in creating their startup business. All of them agreed that startup is one of the contributions from them to solve the problem in the society like GardaPangan solve the problem of food wasting. On the other hand, Ibunda.Id tries to solve the problem related to mental healths and JALA gives the solution in the fish farming related to controlling the pond and their fish. They told that starting the startup needs big efforts and commitment from the creator since we make something that does not exist yet, but finally they can make it. They hoped that all students and participants will follow their path in creating a new startup business. They advised all of the participants that startup is not about making the money but solving society’s problems.

The participants are very enthusiastic about joining the startup fest since many questions are given to the speakers. It is hoped that the activity will encourage the students’ entrepreneurship in UNDIP. With support from Erasmus+ and Smart Project can guide UNDIP to enhance the entrepreneurship atmosphere like the startup fest. It is indirectly supported the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are the 4th SDGs for Quality Education, the 8th SDGs for Decent Work and economic growth, and the 9th SDGs for Industry, innovation, and infrastructure. It is the commitment from the UNDIP’s leader to always support the SDGs in every activity. (Frs)

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