Favorite Study Programs of SNMPTN 2021 at Diponegoro University

Diponegoro University has always been one of the ideal campuses among other universities for prospective new students at National Selection to Enter State Universities (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri / SNMPTN) 2021.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Budi Setiyono stated, “This year, Undip received 26,408 new prospective students and the number accepted is 2,106 with a ratio of 1: 12.5. The data is obtained from Institution of University Entrance Exams data regarding the interest in National Selection to Enter State Universities 2021.”

The large number of prospective students shows that Undip is one of the best universities in Indonesia. Undip is not only has a magnificent and spacious campus with adequate facilities, but also has qualified teaching staffs. In addition, Undip also has a network of international partners and is included in the top ten public universities that accept the most student candidates. “At this time, Undip continues to take strategic development steps, which aim to encourage and achieve Undip’s vision of becoming a superior research university, as well as becoming a world-class university with a strong reputation in the international level,” said Prof. Budi.

Some of these strategic programs include increasing the number of professors and doctors, modernizing laboratory facilities, intensifying Undip’s promotions abroad, providing scholarships for foreign and domestic students, intensifying online learning modes, and increasing student mobility activities both inbound and outbound abroad.

The order of the most favorite study programs of National Selection to Enter State Universities 2021 are Psychology (Faculty of Psychology), Medical Studies (Faculty of Medicine), Communication Studies (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences), Law (Faculty of Law), Public Health (Faculty of Public Health), Management (Faculty of Economics and Business), Nursing Sciences (Faculty of Medicine), Informatics (Faculty of Science and Mathematics), Business Administration (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences).

According to Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA as the Chairperson of Educational Quality Assurance and Development Institute (Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan / LP2MP) Undip, in an interview on Monday (22/3), “Psychology is the favorite choice with 1,750 applicants, a change in favorite majors can be happen since society today considers psychology to be very important choice, in terms of getting and creating jobs. So indeed this year many prospective new students at National Selection to Enter State Universities 2021 choose Psychology. Besides that, Medicine Studies is still the second favorite. The interest in Medicine Studies is quite high since the previous years but Undip only had a relatively small capacity, so that the applicants also had alternative choices in other majors.”

“Undip, which has become a Legal Entity State University will always be ready to accept new prospective students and accept the best candidates. Meanwhile, for the presentation of students capacity at Undip, in National Selection to Enter State Universities (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri / SNMPTN) is 20%, Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri / SBMPTN) is 30% and Independent Exam (Ujian Mandiri / UM) is 50%,” he explained.

“If currently prospective students cannot be accepted on SNMPTN path, there are other admission path such as SBMPTN, IUP (International Undergraduate Program), and Independent Exam. The prospective students must remain enthusiastic, continue to follow information of college entrance selection, and always maintain health,” he said.

For information on re-registration of prospective SNMPTN 2021 in Undip can be accessed at https://pmb.undip.ac.id/registasi-ulang-calon-mahasiswa-baru-jalur-snmptn-2021/ (Linda-Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Humas)

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