SEMARANG – Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Entrepreneurial Student Program (Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha / PMW) held an online seminar via Zoom entitled “Reaching Business Opportunities to Become Independent and Innovative Students”, on Saturday (27/3/2021). The seminar which is supported by Faculty of Economics and Business Undip, Info Semarang, Creative Partner, Event Semarang and several business communities presenting Jatmika Prajayastanda, S.Pt, MBA as the mentor of Entrepreneurial Student Program; and Luluk Wahyu Setiawan, an outstanding student from Economic Development Studies FEB UNDIP who is also an entrepreneur.
Jatmika Prajayastanda who is also an entrepreneur, said that a good momentum to start a business is when he was still a student. He advises to not wait until graduation, since by starting early you will know whether your business develop well or not the time you graduate. Indeed, when someone is about to start a business, many of them complain that they have no ideas. “I want to open a business, but I do not know what kind of business, that’s the words often said by people,” he said.
According to him, the way to get business ideas can be by looking at the opportunities around us. For example, it is about how the business is carried out by a number of startups, namely by providing facilities for the community by seeing opportunities from what is trending.
Looking at the trend will make it easier to enter the market. This is done by people in startup business who are good at seeing the problems that exist around them. For example, when Covid-19 experienced difficulties with medical devices, the provision of medical devices could be a new business. He reminded that new businesses that are entered the market should provide easy solutions for the community in getting their needs, so that the business life cycle can be long.

Jatmika Prajayastanda, mentor of Entrepreneurial Student Program Undip. (Photo: Ist)
“The idea can be obtained by observing, imitating and modifying. However, do not be exactly the same idea with things that already exists. If we imitate it exactly, there will be fierce competition,” he explained.
An interesting startup idea, for example, is the ease of getting tickets. “Traveloka is observant about the environment. It can solve the problem on how people had to queue up to buy train tickets and planes years ago. Then it developed idea in providing an easy online service for ticket purchases,” he revealed.
To start a business, Jatmika advises to not to be afraid to fail. Be excited and do not procrastinate. There are seven characteristics that a person needs to succeed in business, namely independent and courageous, creative, willing to learn, smart to see opportunities, focus, passionate, and doing it right now. “The point is do not hesitate to start a business. Focus on developing self potential. Set goals and its implementation. Do not be afraid to fail, because failure is part of learning.”
Meanwhile, Luluk Wahyu Setiawan explained the importance of individual to have their own strengths and apply them as opportunities. “The idea can be from the strengths we have, everyone has advantages. Business also starts from small step,” he explained.

Luluk Wahyu Setiawan, outstanding student. (Photo: Ist)
In starting a business, he said, an individual must be able to manage their abilities, build networks or networking, be good at selling, communicative and skilled in using Information Technology (IT). Luluk, who is also Kamipoenya’s Founder, Owner Vincero Kantin, and CO-CEO Helti Licious, said that by trying to project all the advantages that exist within himself, he will know that personal abilities can be used as instrument of development in the fields of academics, organizations, achievements and business.
Translated by: Titis (Humas)