Radiation Physics and Medical Physics Expertise Groups of FSM Undip Provide Practical Training on Self-Protection from Radiation to Kertek High School Students in Wonosobo

Radiation is the propagation of energy through matter or space in the form of electronic waves. Effects of radiation obtained through medical equipment can damage vital organs in the body so that it requires protection when using it. On Monday (14/6) morning, Radiation Physics and Medical Physics Expertise Groups of Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) UNDIP conducted training related to protection from radiation of medical devices and how to use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to avoid radiation. This online training is given to students of Kertek High School Wonosobo via Zoom Meeting.

The event is opened by introduction of the Physics Study Program of FSM Undip by Secretary of Physics Study Program, Dr. eng. Eko Hidayanto, S.Si., M.Sc. He introduced the history, content and achievements of Physics Study Program at Faculty of Science and Mathematics UNDIP. Physics Undip has made history with various national and international achievements that make the alma mater proud. In addition, Eko Hidayanto also explained about the organizational structure of the Physics Study Program. The explanation closed with a thank you and congratulations to the training participants.

Being the first speaker, Evi Setiawati, S.Si., M.Sc. explained the radiation rays that appear on medical devices. She also explained how the impact on the body is very dangerous if it is exposed to radiation from medical devices. This adverse impact can result in death, then Evi also explained the importance of using PPE when operating or near equipment that emits radiation.

The second material is delivered by Pandji Triadyaksa, S.Si., M.Sc. about the MRI machine and how it differs from other medical devices that emit radiation. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses electromagnetic fields where the impact is not on the human body but on metals and electronics. Although it has a different impact and is not fatal until death, it is warned that participants must still be careful not to bring metal or electronic objects into the area around the MRI room. Pandji reminded the participants to always pay attention to the warning symbols around the radiation or MRI room to keep safety.

It is continued by Zaenal Arifin, S.Si., M.Sc., who showed how to use PPE and the benefits of PPE to avoid radiation exposure. This useful event is attended by up to 50 participants from students and teachers of Kertek High School Wonosobo. (Diska-PR)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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