Undip and Toyota Made Agreement on Link and Match for Higher Education and Industry

Semarang, Central Java (10/9) – The Rector of Diponegoro University (Undip), Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. and President Director of PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Warih Andang Tjahyono, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Thursday (9/9).

This collaboration agreed on a link and match between Toyota as an industry and Undip through the Faculty of Engineering in a position as a higher education institution.

Link and match is a relevance for higher education to the needs of workforce, and furthermore this MoU covers all aspects of Tri Dharma of Higher Education, so that the collaboration can be implemented on a wider scope.

When giving a speech, Undip Rector, Prof. Yos, said that this collaboration has enormous benefits. He had felt it from the results of cooperation in the previous period.

On this occasion, Prof. Yos wanted to complete the need for laboratories at Undip. Therefore, he promised that before the end of the Rector’s term in 2024, one of the targets is the completion of the planned laboratory construction.

“I don’t want to hear anymore students complaining because of the condition of laboratory. There is a joke when people come to the laboratory they have to be respectful first, why? Because the laboratory equipment is older than the lecturer,” he said half jokingly.

The Rector admitted that he was really worried when Undip graduate students came to Toyota and confused about how sophisticated the equipment was. Therefore, he is truly committed to prepare laboratory equipment and improve the qualifications of human resources for management, both lecturers and administrative staffs, so that they are able to answer the challenges of the times.

He emphasized that Undip has a vision and mission to become an excellent research university, therefore its laboratories should no longer be out of date. “That’s why I am very happy that Toyota is reaching out for us and Undip will provide the building,” added Prof Yos.

“So we are really ready, with God willing, we will establish the building in 2022,” he said again.

Meanwhile, Warih Andang Tjahyono, expressed his proud feeling in collaborating with Undip, especially since this collaboration can be carried out in a sustainable manner. “I really appreciate things conveyed by Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Agung. The results obtained in utilizing the Laboratory at Faculty of Engineering are for students,” he said.

Andang Tjahjono also underlined what the Undip Rector said about the challenges faced by higher education institutions and industry in the future. Andang reminded that what needs to be prepared is not only about hard skills but how to enter the era of transformation or the next generation.

“Theoretically, in 2023 Undip must relay the leadership to the next generation. As said before by Undip Rector, hard skills are very important. So there must be a well-equipped laboratory because if there is no laboratory it will be difficult to go to the next level,” he said.

Previously, Dean of Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Ir. Mochammad Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.S.c., Ph.D., explained the results achieved in the collaboration between Undip and Toyota in the previous period. One of them is conducting research on the SMEs of industrial ecosystem in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java.

In terms of responding to strategic environmental dynamics, Undip continues to collaborate with various parties. “Cooperation continues to be established to improve the quality of Undip graduates,” said Agus Suherman, Head of Undip Secretariat and Protocol.

He added that currently ongoing collaborations with state-owned and private companies include collaborations with Pertamina, Pupuk Kaltim, Wijaya Karya, Petrokimia Gresik, Adhi Karya, Sriwijaya fertilizer, and housing development.

“Undip is currently exploring plans for cooperation with PT Unilever, PT Inka, and PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia,” concluded Agus.

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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