dr. Amallia Nuggetsiana Setyawati, M.Si.Med., Sp.A (Pediatrician of RSND UNDIP): Face-to-Face Learning Has Started, Stay Alert on Corona

The government has issued a policy to restart the implementation of Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) in schools with terms and conditions. Limited Face-to-Face Learning activities for 2022 have started in January 2022 and are carried out according to the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) level of each region. Schools have also started implementing limited face-to-face learning (PTM) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

dr. Amallia Nuggetsiana Setyawati, M.Si.Med., Sp.A, Pediatrician at Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) of Diponegoro University conveyed a recommendation from Indonesian Pediatricians which required that ideally all members of school community including the students should be 100% vaccinated and have no comorbidities.

“The right to get education is important but the right to life and the right to health are more important. There should be a consideration whether Face-to-Face Learning must be conducted 100% or can be 50% by online and offline considering the terms and conditions,” she said.

“The terms and conditions in implementation of Face-to-Face Learning include a maximum of three hours of meeting, implementing physical distancing, have undergone two vaccines according to the vaccine requirements, as well as strict screening,” she continued.

dr. Amallia said that the pandemic situation is not over yet, thus all of us should not be relaxed or complacent, knowing that this disease is a new kind of disease with many variations and mutations. Vigilance does not only belong to the interests of a few people but belongs to everyone. All the residents must undergo the vaccination in accordance with the recommendations of the government.

“If our condition is not good, we do not need to force ourselves to do things that will harm other people, for example parents. If the child is not fit, it is better to ask the school if they can reschedule. Since the government or the school provides an option for rescheduling, even if the child is treated at the Public Health Center (Puskesmas). Hopefully the pandemic will end soon and we can all return to a period of life without a pandemic,” conveyed dr. Amallia (Lin – Public Relations)


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