UNDIP Graduated Novelist with Cum Laude Predicate

Diva Sinar Rembulan, a prospective graduate who will be graduating at Diponegoro University’s 165th Graduation, has successfully graduated cum laude with a 3.64 GPA. The student majoring in Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences Undip is a novelist who has completed her study in a period of 4 years and 4 months.

“Literature is the color in my life, it has its own space that can give you a sense of comfort and tranquility. By writing, I feel I can immortalize myself in this mortal world. I feel that I can convey my feelings and ideas through the series of words I write. Currently I have produced two published works, entitled ‘Sebening Syahadat’ and ‘Lakuna: Aku, Dia and Lakuna’. While the other two works are still in the process of being completed on the online platform,” she said.

“My writing journey started with an Indonesian assignment in elementary school regarding school holidays, since then I have become fond of writing, initially writing short stories until finally writing novels. My works were only for personal consumption, and now they can finally be published. ‘Sebening Syahadat’ is my first novel that I have written since I was in high school, now it has more than 10,000 copies in print and will be filmed by Soraya Intercine Films. When I was in college, I decided to take a break from the world of writing to adapt to a new environment, then in 2020 I can publish my second novel entitled ‘Lakuna’, this story has been read more than 100,000 times on my online platform,” she continued.

During her studies, Diva was also active as member of the Faculty Student Executive Board (BEM FISIP) and was elected as Deputy Chair of the BEM FISIP Undip 2020. She was also active in the world of writing through the online platform named Wattpad. Studying at Undip was one of encouragement for her to produce ideas in the creative process of writing.

“Education is a phase of life that I will never regret. Besides learning about knowledge, I also learned to understand the richness of interesting thinking, which I probably would not have gotten if I had not chosen the education phase from elementary school to college. When it comes to organization, this is the best choice I have ever made. It is a place that is busy, draining energy, heart and mind, but also providing meaningful memories and experiences,” she concluded. (Lin – Public Relations)

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