UNDIP Vocational School Students Became Volunteers for e-SPT Tax Filling Services

SEMARANG-  Vocational School of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) held an Opening Ceremony and Implementation of the 2022 Undip Tax e-SPT Filling Services at the 4th Floor Hall at the Undip Vocational School, on Friday (11/03/2022). A total of 60 Vocational School students were ready to serve the community, including the academic community who need assistance in filling out the e-SPT, an electronic Annual Notification Form (SPT) application for taxpayers.

e-SPT filling services by Undip Vocational School was opened in three locations, namely at the 4th Floor Hall of the Undip Tembalang Vocational School Building, at the Quality Hall of Undip Tembalang Campus; and at the Innovative Business Center (IBC) Office, Undip Pleburan Campus. All taxpayers who need assistance in filling out can directly come to the location.

The Dean of Undip Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Sc., after opening the event said that this activity is part of the enthusiasm of Undip Vocational students to help the community, as well as an opportunity to hone hard skills and soft skills, by directly practicing their abilities in the field.

“Hard skills and soft skills must go hand in hand. What the students do is very good because the objective is real competence. With the practice of assisting in filling out the e-SPT, they will know how to serve consumers, serve clients and other things,” said Prof. Budiyono, on Friday (11/3/2022).

Furthermore, the Dean of Vocational School hoped that through this practical activity, when students graduate, they will actually be more prepared to face the world of work. Besides, vocational identity, such as the ability possessed, can be directly applied so that it is useful in the community.

Another advantage, currently the campus encourages all student activities outside the campus to be included in the Semester Credit System (SKS), including this activity. In the four-months course rule, there are usually 20 credits that must be taken, if you divide it into one month in this activity, it means there are 5 credits. “So student activities outside of the campus will be comparable to a credit score of 5 credits. This activity is also very beneficial for students, besides getting experience outside of campus, their soft skills will also increase sharply,” he said.

Prof. Budi also explained that e-SPT filling services activities have a strategic role in building public awareness and concern for taxes, especially for lecturers, staff and the community around campus.

Head of Business and Finance Department of Vocational School Undip, Dr. Edy Raharja, S.E., M.Sc., added that his party realized that the tax ratio on campus was still low, below 10 percent last year. Thus this activity is one of the contributions for the government to provide awareness to assist in filling out the e-SPT, which of course will have a good impact.

“Maybe in the previous period many people were still negligent in filling out their e-SPT. So that through this activity, we can increase awareness to fill out e-SPT both for lecturers, staff and the community around the campus,” said Dr. Eddy.

It is known that filling out the e-SPT is done once a year and no later than March 31 every year. If it is past March 31, you will get a fine. “With this service, those who feel difficult in filling out e-SPT can be helped,” explained Dr. Eddy.

Meanwhile, the Head of Tax Accounting Applied Study Program, Drs. Dul Muid, M.Sc., Akt., conveyed that this service will be open during working hours, starting at 08.00 AM until 03.00 PM. Of the 60 students who volunteer, they will be divided into 20 volunteers in each location.

The advantage of this activity, students can directly practice their knowledge in the field and the practice will be converted into courses. “So the students don’t have to be worried if they cannot attend the classes because of this volunteer activity. It will be handled by the Head of Study Programs and the campus. Maybe the students will be considered attending the classes and their absence time is replaced with practical courses like this,” he said.

The real advantage is that students can directly practice in the real situation since this service is also directly linked to the Directorate of Tax Office in filling out the e-SPT. “So the filling cannot be wrong, if there is an error it takes a long time to change the data,” he explained.

As for the requirements to become a volunteer, the students must be a maximum in semester 4 who have taken the Income Tax (PPh) courses including study PPh 1, PPh 2 to PPh 3.

Present at the event, Deputy Dean I of Undip Vocational School, Dr. Ida Hayu Dwimawanti, M.M.; Deputy Dean II of Undip Vocational School, Dr. eng. Vita Paramita, S.T., M.M., M.Eng.; Administrative Manager; Supervisors; Heads of Departments; Heads of Study Programs and all lecturers and staff of the Undip Vocational School.

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