Department of IR FISIP UNDIP Equipped Millennial Generation to Welcome International Business Opportunities

Recently, the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University held a guest lecture with the theme “Millennial Opportunities in International Business and Improving the Nation’s Economy” inviting Muhammad Dhafi Iskandar, Ph.D. (Co-Founder & CEO of PT. Akselerasi Inovasi Bangsa/StepNesia) as resource person, on Wednesday (23/3). This lecture is very useful to equip the millennial generation to learn further about e-commerce and observe international business opportunities.

He conveyed that E-Commerce will be related to the millennial generation. The term millennial generation is the generation born in 1980-1995, at a time when technology was developing rapidly. The majority of the age of the person in charge or owner of the e-commerce business are in the range of 35-44 years old (33.07%) and 25-34 years old (24.79%).

“Passion will be the strength of young entrepreneurs. Young people tend to be enthusiastic about something they really like or understand well. They will be very exploratory in doing things they really like, including wanting to learn to develop themselves and find the direction of their passion,” he said.

Furthermore, Dhafi said that designing a business plan is very important, one of the steps is by ensuring the business that will be made is well planned and detailed. Starting from market research, product descriptions, marketing plans, to millennial business development plans. Research needs to be done to find out the target market and business competitors and then adjust the product from input to output in order to match the target market.

“Learning the target market is by knowing the character, culture, as well as the education of the population of the country to be addressed. Learning it is an important thing that must be done in order to be able to map the market so that the potential can be maximized. Make sure that the products to be sold to that country are in demand in terms of the country’s character, culture and education. Sometimes modifying the product is also necessary to be accepted by the market. In order for a business to be recognized, branding is needed. Branding is an attempt to create a brand,” he explained.

“Developing a business online aims to reach a wider target market, is cost-effective, allows for interaction with the audience and also needs to take advantage of the right marketing strategies, such as SEO and Google Ads. Furthermore, evaluation is an important step to be carried out so that we know how far our business journey has gone,” concluded Dhafi. (Lin – Public Relations)

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