UNDIP Successfully Held Seminar, Business Matching, and Showcase of Innovation Products: Medical Devices and Pharmacy

The “Seminar, Business Matching and Showcase of Undip Innovation Products: Medical Devices and Pharmacy” was successfully held offline on Monday and Tuesday, June 27-28, 2022 at MG Setos Hotel Semarang, Semarang Tengah District. The event was attended by around 50 exhibitors from manufacturers of medical devices and pharmaceuticals throughout Indonesia, 50 participants from Undip consisting of innovators, leaders, and teams from the Undip Innovation and Cooperation Bureau, 70 members of GAKESLAB Indonesia, 70 participants from Heads of Regional/District Health Offices, Regional/Regency Hospitals and Public Health Centers throughout the province of Central Java.

Diponegoro University is a PTNBH that continues to create technological inventions from research and development results. Diponegoro University has produced innovative products in the health and pharmaceutical fields. Furthermore, Undip also encourages the acceleration of downstream research results, especially medical devices and pharmaceuticals so that the benefits can be felt by the community. It is a form of Undip’s commitment to supporting the Government’s priority program to realize the independence of domestic medical device production. Downstream research is carried out by Undip through collaboration, both with the government and with the Business World and the Industrial World.

This aim of this event was to implement Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Increasing the Use of Domestic Products and Products of MSMEs and Cooperatives in the Context of the Success of the Gerakan Nasional Bangga Buatan Indonesia and the implementation of the Regulation of the Rector of Diponegoro University  Number 30 of 2020 concerning Governance and Transfers Intellectual Property and Research, Development, Innovation and Community Service Results at Undip. In connection with this and in the context of creating collaboration and strategic synergy between Diponegoro University and the Industry as a contribution to the achievement of 8 (eight) Main Performance Indicators (IKU) and downstream program of innovative products, the Directorate of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation together with the Bureau of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation held the “Seminar, Business Matching and Showcase of Undip Innovation Products: Medical Devices and Pharmacy”.

Undip’s innovation management is not only carried out with a technology push strategy, but also demand/market pull by taking into account the needs of industry and society. Therefore, the business matching and show case activities for innovation products are held in an effort to downstream which does not only offer Undip’s innovation products to the industry but is also intended for Undip to get input from the industry for the development and improvement of innovation products so that they are ready to enter the commercialization stage.

The superior technology products that will be displayed in this activity are products that have a Technology Readiness-Level (TRL) of more than or equal to (>=) 7 and are ready for downstream processes.

This event went very smoothly, lively and magnificently thanks to the collaboration between Undip and GAKESLAB Indonesia, Central Java Province. According to the Chairman of the event committee, Agus Budiharto, in order to support the Domestic Medical Devices of the GAKESLAB Indonesia, Central Java Province, they presented the GAKESLAB’s Laboratory Medicine Exhibition, Central Java Province, together with Diponegoro University, Semarang with the theme: “Jateng Bangga Buatan Indonesia”.

The event began with singing the Indonesia Raya Anthem, prayer together and speeches which began with remarks from Agus Mardianto, S.E., M.M. (Chairman of GAKESLAB Indonesia, Central Java Province). Followed by dr. Randy H. Teguh, M.M. (Secretary General of GAKESLAB Indonesia) who said that only in Central Java the event was held with a local university, namely Undip. He also said that the innovation products exhibited by Undip were ready for downstream and upstream processes, in addition to other medical device products originating from MSMEs.

The next speech was from the Undip Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc. who said that as a PTNBH Undip was given the responsibility to complete 8 Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of which 5 of them were closely related to research and innovation. That is why Undip is very excited to continue to improve innovation in conducting research with policies that support it, beyond of course how Undip graduates get jobs quickly. He is also quite proud that Undip is in the position one according to QS Ranking in terms of whose graduates are quickly getting a job. It is incredible to have come to this achievement. This event is also strongly supported by Undip as a way to commercialize the results of innovative products so that they can be utilized by all hospitals both regionally and throughout Indonesia with the help and cooperation of GAKESLAB and related ministries.

Dr. Dra. Lucia Rizka Andalucia, Apt., M.Pharm, MARS (Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices of the Indonesian Ministry of Health) in her online/virtual speech conveyed the agenda for the transformation of the health system in Indonesia which has 6 pillars, namely, primary care, referral services, defense system health, health financing, health human resources, and health technology. According to her, this event is closely related to the 3rd pillar, namely health defense in Indonesia, especially in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Spending on medical equipment is very high and the Ministry of Health is one of the 10 institutions with the highest APBN, of which 67% is still dominated by imported goods. In response to this, the President issued Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Increasing the Use of Domestic Products and Products of MSMEs and Cooperatives in the Framework of the Success of Gerakan Nasional Bangga Buatan Indonesia.

 He is also very proud that Undip has been able to create an ecosystem for developing medical devices through innovative medical devices and pharmaceutical products produced by its innovators. Thus the transformation of health resilience can be carried out immediately with the support of several related parties. While the next speaker was Sumarno S.E., M.M., the Regional Secretary of Central Java Province representing the Governor of Central Java, conveying in general that after-sale is important and must be maintained so that consumers do not give up on buying the same product. After sale services for local products must be available and maintained so that they are not inferior to foreign products. The event was followed by a digital opening by all speakers.

The event continued with Talk show Session 1 with the theme: “Independence of Domestic Medical Devices: Realization or Illusion?”. The speaker in the talk show session 1 was Nila Kumalasari, S.T., M.T. (Head of Center for P3DN Ministry of Industry), drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, PhD. (Director of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation of Diponegoro University), Ir. Sodikin Sadek, M.Kes (Director of Production & Distribution of Medical Devices Plt. Director of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Resilience, Ministry of Health RI) and Bimo Wijayanto, S.E., Ak., MBA., Ph.D (Deputy Assistant for Strategic Investment in Investment and Mining Coordination Kemenko Marinvest RI). This event can also be watched on Youtube channels of VIGA TV and Dirinovki Undip. (YN & Innovation Team)

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