UNDIP Opens Opportunities through the UM Partnership Path

Diponegoro University opens opportunities for prospective new students who want to continue their studies at Undip through the UM Partnership Path for prospective Undergraduate students. The UM Partnership uses the Combined Portfolio and Online Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) methods.

The requirements for participating in this selection include high school / vocational / MA or equivalent graduates, pass the equality exam, or other equivalent (package C) in 2022, 2021 and 2020, meet the requirements according to the intended study program, and a maximum age of 22 years. While the preparations required before registering include report cards (required), non-academic/championship achievements (if any), and essays on Nationality Insights (required). The exam material is the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS): Numerical, Verbal, Reasoning and English.

As for the choice of study program groups, namely:

  1. SAINTEK: 2 choices of study programs (there are 35 choices of Science and Technology Undergraduate Study Programs at Tembalang Campus and 1 Nursing Science Undergraduate Study Program at Jepara Campus)
  2. SOSHUM : 2 choices of study programs (there are 18 choices of Social Humanities Undergraduate Study Programs at Tembalang Campus and 1 Law Undergraduate Study Program at Jepara Campus)
  3. MIXED: 1 choice of SAINTEK study program and 1 choice of SOSHUM study program

UM Partnership Registration Calendar

Online registration: July 14 – July 24, 2022 (12.00 WIB)

Payment: July 14 – July 24, 2022 (12.00 WIB)

Print Participant Card: July 14 – July 24, 2022 (12.00 WIB)

Online Exam : July 25 – July 27, 2022

Announcement of Selection Results: July 31, 2022

Further information can be accessed on the https://pmb.undip.ac.id/jalur-um-s1-kemitraan/ page. Immediately register for UM Partnership Undip and succeed in achieving the future with Undip. (Lin – Public Relations)

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