Mozart Nuzul Aprilliza AM (FPP Alumni): UNDIP Has Prepared Me to Become a Researcher at BRIN

“When I was in high school, I majored in science but I did not want to study engineering and scientific majors. I am interested in entering the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences at the Diponegoro University through the PMDK path and then accepted and became part of Class of 2009. For me animal husbandry is not just as simple as learning how to raise good livestock, so that our cattle get fat quickly or so that livestock produce a lot of eggs but it is a very broad knowledge. For example, biochemistry, animal nutrition, statistics, animal health, feed and food technology,” said Mozart Nuzul Aprilliza AM, Alumni of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University.

“I continued my postgraduate study in 2012. My undergraduate and postgraduate studies focused on doing research at the Livestock and Work Laboratory. From that laboratory I learned a lot about the issue of greenhouse gases caused by agriculture, the world of animal husbandry in particular, and how to overcome them. I had the opportunity to be selected as one of the awardees of the Global Korea Scholarship Graduate Program which was provided by NIIED (South Korean Ministry of Education) to continue the doctoral program at Sunchon National University,” she continued.

Mozart said that the experience she got while being a student at Undip was the one that was strengthening her mentally, honing her confidence and teaching her on how to build good networking. In addition, she participated in many activities during her time as a student, including student organizations, competitions, participating as a committee of graduation ceremonies and other activities.

She currently works as a civil servant with a functional position as a researcher at BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency). Previously, from February 2019 to May 31, 2022, she was assigned to the Beef Cattle Research Workshop, Grati, Pasuruan.

“Undip’s teachers are very professional, qualified and transfer knowledge well, the teaching staff is also agile in providing services to students. Many things that have been taught during college become strength and experience for me in carrying out work. I believe that the work and contributions, perseverance, loyalty and achievements of other alumni will bring the glory of Undip  wherever they are,” explained Mozart.

Furthermore, she said that becoming a researcher is an alternative to her ideals besides being a lecturer. Mozart really likes the world of research, writing papers, and seminars. According to her, being a researcher is required to keep learning.

“Quoting from Descartes Cogito Ergo Sum which means I think, therefore I exist, I hope that my work as a researcher through thought and scientific writing can make a real contribution to the progress of the livestock world in Indonesia. Seeking knowledge is important, because science benefits the people around us and is part of our role as the nation’s next generation. Of course, with broader knowledge, we can show our existence in the eyes of the world,” she concluded. (Lin – Public Relations)

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