UNDIP’s Javanese Arts UKM Ready to Advance at the 2022 Peksiminas

“The big theme in the Peksimida competition for the dance category is Knitting Local Wisdom in the Global Period. Meanwhile, the theme raised by the KJ Team in the Peksimida competition for the dance category is about the klasa pandan (pandanus mat), which means the spirit of a noble tradition. In this dance work, it describes how the strands of woven pandanus are tied to each other, depicting strength and harmony. The local wisdom raised in this work is about the tradition of using the pandanus mat in the community. Meanwhile, the challenge in this global era is regarding the fading traditions, such as the use of the pandanus mat, which should not be replaced by a new culture. The pandanus mat as a philosophy of togetherness must be maintained at this time. Of course, this work is developed through good choreography and music production to support the idea,” said Zuliansyah Anjar Zulfikar, Head of the Diponegoro University’s Javanese Arts UKM (KJ) Team, that won the first place at the Central Java Regional Student Art Week (Peksimida) in 2022 which held at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta.

“We have prepared ourselves through technical strengthening of dancing and music since the beginning of the odd semester with several series of processes such as bodybuilding, traditional routine exercises, contemporary routine exercises, preparation process exercises, and selection of internal participants approaching the training process with the trainer. Then, for training with the trainer and independent training, there are approximately 3 months using the break at the end of semester. However, to support the technicality of dancers and musicians, it is necessary to prepare from the previous training processes that are consistent, continuous, and mature. Meanwhile the obstacles or difficulties faced including as the provision of unclear information regarding the implementation of the Peksimida competition at the beginning of the preparation related to technical guidelines and implementation time, as well as the many changes in information regarding changes in the timing of the competition which took up enough focus and training targets,” explained Zuliansyah.

The achievements of UKM KJ includes 3rd place in the 2022 Soetradafest Dance Competition. In 2021-2020, UKM KJ won several competitions such as the General Champion of the National Level Dance Competition in the 2021 Gelar Budaya BKKT UNS, the 1st Winner of the National Level Dance Competition in the 2021 Gelar Budaya BKKT UNS, Favorite Champion of National Dance Competition in the 2021 Gelar Budaya BKKT UNS, the 1st Winner of National Dance Competition in the 2021 Dies Natalis UPB, 1st Winner of National Dance Competition at UPNV East Java in 2021, Best Art UKM nominated by SM UNDIP in 2021, 2nd Winner of Dance Competition held by NFF FEB University of Indonesia in 2020, and 3rd Winner of Padhatara Dance Competition in 2020.

As for the Peksimida-Peksiminas competition, UKM KJ can be said to be quite accomplished by becoming a champion at the national level at Peksiminas in 2000-2010, and being a champion at Peksimida in 2012-2018, then in 2020 becoming a national finalist, and 2022 being given the opportunity to become winners at the Peksimida level and advanced at the national level.

“Becoming the champion in 2022 Peksimida Central Java of course made us feel very grateful, happy, and proud to be able to win again the title of 1st place at Peksimida after a break for several years. We are very grateful to all parties involved in this process. Hopefully, at the national level or at the 2022 Peksiminas, we can give the best results again,” he said.

“There is a lot of experience gained during studying at Undip. In addition, there are many opportunities and support that Undip provides for its students to develop, whether developing in educational activities, research, community service, and extracurricular activities according to the interests, talents, and potential of the students. As in the experience of participating in competitions, of course, it is supported from the preparation and achievement funds given after participating in the competition,” he continued.

“Education and organization are important. As a young generation who has more time and energy, it would be great if we could use these opportunities to explore, develop our potential, especially in the world of education and organizations. There are many benefits, wisdom, and goodness obtained, of course, both for the present and the future,” concluded Zuliansyah. (Lin – Public Relations)

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