The Chairman of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) of Diponegoro University, Asih Budiastuti Yos Johan Utama welcomed the working visit of the DWP Sebelas Maret University, (30/9). “This visit aims to establish friendship between DWP Undip and DWP UNS in order to establish a closer relationship between the administrators and exchange information and experiences related to the involvement or role of the DWP in every campus activity.” she said.
In her remarks, the Chairperson of the DWP UNS, Budhi Wijayanti Jamal Wiwoho expressed her gratitude and expressed her working visit as a medium for sharing experiences about the programs organized by Dharma Wanita.
In this activity, there was also a MSMEs bazaar with products such as snacks and batik including the stands of Nien’s Kitchen and Crochet (DWP FT), Annisa Snack (DWP FT), Floren Juice, and Undip Maju with their merchandise products. The event was enlivened by recitation of prayers from MSNI, song performances from the DWP UNS Choir, Line Dance from DWP UNS, Line Dance Together with DWP UNDIP and DWP UNS, and song performances from the “Permata Swara” Choir.
The group of guests also toured the Undip campus including visiting PAUD Permata Undip and then proceeding to the Ronggowarsito Museum, Kota Lama, Lawang Sewu, and Sam Poo Kong as a form of introducing historical tourism sites in the city of Semarang.
As an organization, Dharma Wanita has the main task of fostering members, strengthening a sense of unity and integrity, and increasing knowledge by establishing cooperative relationships. The activities held by Dharma Wanita Persatuan Undip and UNS aims as a forum for exchanging knowledge, information, as well as establishing relationships. (Lin – Public Relations)