Social Science Doctoral Program, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Diponegoro University held a Guest Lecturer with the theme “Concepts and Challenges of the Capital of the Archipelago as a Forest City” on Saturday (22/10).
Present as a resource person, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mustofa Agung Sardjono, IPU (Professor of Community Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman University) and the discussion was moderated by Prof. Dr. Dra. Ari Pradhanawati, M.S. (Professor of Industrial Sociology, FISIP Undip).
In his material, Prof. Mustofa said that in preparing for the existence of the Capital of the Archipelago, especially realizing it as a Forest City, it is now felt that various issues are being faced and become challenges in the future to overcome them: overlapping areas and permits; land occupation of the community; land tenure in the name of Indigenous People; degradation, deforestation, and GHG emissions; land conversion and loss of ecosystem services, threatened biodiversity in the IKN area; dominance of invasive species in degraded areas.
“Facing various issues regarding the development of the Capital of the Archipelago as a Forest City, actually there have been recommendations given, but these recommendations are a challenge in realizing them. The challenges include management institutions, accommodation of ecological and ecosystem services, stabilization of forest areas, rehabilitation of degraded areas, building animal corridors, in-situ and ex-situ conservation as well as invasive species control, forest management with the concept of local wisdom,” explained Prof. Mustofa. (Lin – Public Relations)