UNDIP Computer Engineering Student Won Gold at the 35th PIMNAS 2022

On Saturday (03/12/2022), a series of events for the 35th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2022 which was held at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was officially closed. The closing ceremony was also filled with announcing the winners of the 35th PIMNAS. There are two competition categories, namely the Poster Category with three award ratings, Bronze Equivalent Award, Silver Equivalent Award, and Gold Equivalent Award. The second category is the Presentation Category with an additional award rating, the Most Favorite Champion Award. Awards were given to the winning teams in each field of the Student Creativity Program (PKM).

Khanuun Maulida Puspita H, a Computer Engineering student Class of 2020 and her team in the field of PKM-PM 2 (Community Service) won the Gold Equivalent Award. The team consisting of: Felisiana Ardelia Azzahra (Computer Engineering 2020), Addien Safriya Ramadhani (Accounting 2020), and Ahmad Reihan Alavi (Informatics 2021) with the title “Mertamu Budaya: Digitalization of Board Game-Based Education as a Catalyst for Introduction and Preservation of Indonesian Culture at KBSI Semarang” became the winner in the poster category.

Innovative work of Mertamu Budaya has received Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection under Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, in the form of a Creation Registration Letter issued by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) since August 25, 2022.

In addition, Muhammad Ilham (Computer Engineering 2019) and Chairullatif Aji Sadewa (Computer Engineering 2019) who are members of the PKM-K team with their work entitled “Storybook Innovation for the Formation of Children’s Character with Android Application-Based Augmented Reality and Educational Games as Interactive Educational Media”, as well as Muhammad Fathan Mubiina (Computer Engineering 2021) in PKM-VGK team with the work entitled “Bluetime School: Maritime School Concept with Echological Architecture Approach Based on Blue-Tech Education in Advancing Indonesia as World Maritime Axis” have participated in the presentation of works in 35th PIMNAS 2022.

This achievement was achieved thanks to the blessings of Allah SWT and of course the hard work of the students and support from the family, supervisors of the PKM Team, Dania Eridani S.T., M.Eng., and Risma Septiana S.T., M.Eng., along with lecturers and academics. This achievement also certainly spurs fighting spirit in the future for students and lecturers in Computer Engineering so that they become even better at their work.

We would like to thank and congratulate all Computer Engineering students at  Diponegoro University who have fought in the 35th PIMNAS 2022. Always have the enthusiasm to fight in achieving achievements on other occasions. We are proud of you.


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