FPIK UNDIP Lecturer Introduced E-Commerce-Based Online Sales Program in Nyatnyono Village, Semarang Regency

Three lecturers from the Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Dr. Diana Chilmawati, S.Pi., M.Si. as the leader of the PKUM Team, Dr. Ir. Suminto, M.Sc. and Ristiawan Agung Nugroho, S.Pi., M.Si. conducted a community service program based on PKUM by introducing the Catfish and Vegetable Cultivation (Budidaya Lele dan Sayur / Buleyur) program and marketing processed fishery products based on e-commerce.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) Partners / Fish Farming Group (Pokdakan) Mardi Mulyo and Siwarak Mina Sejahtera are MSMEs located in Nyatnyono Village, Semarang Regency which are partners of community service program by PKUM in 2 years row. Based on the results of the visit, the Pokdakan are engaged in catfish farming. Most members of Pokdakan experience difficulties in carrying out catfish farming activities because they have narrow land, lack of knowledge about catfish production technology and lack of knowledge in utilizing social media and the internet for marketing catfish and vegetable cultivation products in the form of ready-to-eat products or ready to cook in order to increase the selling price of these cultivated products.

The program focused on this year as an output target is the Buleyur Technology Application (Catfish and Vegetable Cultivation) and Online Marketing of the Results as an Effort to Empower the Economy of Community Affected by Covid-19 in Nyatnyono Village, West Ungaran District, Semarang Regency.

Training and mentoring is carried out continuously by the community service team with direct and indirect (online) meetings. Community service activities at Pokdakan Mardi Mulyo and Siwarak Mina Sejahtera begin with catfish and belt fish cultivation activities, followed by harvesting the cultivated products and processing the Buleyur catfish into ready-to-cook/fried seasoned catfish products in frozen form, and continued with marketing products by using e-commerce technology. The community service team conducted outreach and assistance in the form of creating Shopee, Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok Shop accounts for the sale of Buleyur products with the M-GOOD FISH brand. In addition to equipment for catfish and vegetable cultivation, the grants given by the Team to the Pokdakan partners were in the form of an ice machine (freezer) and a press machine to make it easier for partners to package catfish cultivation products that are ready to cook/fry.

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