The highlight of the commemoration of 94th Mother’s Day by Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Diponegoro University was commemorated by holding a talk show with an interesting theme “Tough Mothers, Great Children (Proud Children with Special Needs)” located at the 3rd floor of Multipurpose Building A, Faculty of Medicine, Undip Campus Tembalang on Saturday (14/1). This talk show was held in a hybrid manner (offline and online) by presenting several speakers, namely Prof. dr. M.I. Widiastuti Samekto, Sp.S(K), M.Sc., Dr. Novi Qonitatin, S.Psi., MA, Dian Linggar Prasetyo, S.Tr. Kes., Eko Widyastuti, S.E. and Ananda Farhan Fadhilah, S.Gz. The moderator is Mrs. Asih Budiastuti, S.H., C.N. who also serves as Chair of the Dharma Wanita (DWP) Diponegoro University.
The event began with remarks from the Head of the Dharma Wanita Association (DWP) of Diponegoro University, Mrs. Asih Budiastuti. In her remarks, Mrs. Asih advised, Be a mother who is tough, strong, patient and sincere in playing a role in the family. Be the mother whose presence is always looked forward to both in the family and in the community.”
Delighted to attend and open the event, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., Rector of Diponegoro University who in this case is the DWP Undip Advisor. In his remarks, Prof. Yos conveyed the importance of family. Family is a strong foundation for forming the personality, character and education of children. Talking about children, Prof. Yos said that children are gems. The presence of children is a gift. “Every child born is a gift to be grateful for. Don’t forget that the mother’s role is very important in the family, especially in raising and educating children,” he said.
Appearing as the first source, Prof. Widiastuti explained about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), which is a mental disorder that causes children to have difficulty concentrating and have impulsive and hyperactive behavior. This condition can have an impact on children’s achievement in school. Until now, the main cause of ADHD is not known with certainty. This condition is thought to be influenced by genetic factors and environmental factors. Therefore, Prof. Widiastuti conveyed to the mothers who were present to pay attention to the condition of their children, especially if the child has no eye contact and is late in speaking, he should immediately be taken to a neurologist. In general, signs of ADHD can be detected clearly. ADHD can also be cured quickly if treatment is not too late.
It is indeed not an easy matter for a mother to care for and educate children, especially if the gift given or entrusted is a Child with Special Needs (ABK). The second resource person, Dr. Novi Qonitatin, S.Psi., M.A. explained what is meant by Children with Special Needs (ABK). It was explained that Children with Special Needs (ABK) are children who experience limitations or extraordinary physical, mental, intellectual, social or emotional, which significantly influence the process of growth or development compared to other children of the same age. It takes a process and readiness for a mother to accept the presence of a child who includes ABK. Starting from rejection, anger, bargaining, depression, to the sincere stage of accepting the condition of her baby.
Therefore, it takes resilience or endurance. Cooper’s opinion (2013) states that resilience is the ability to bounce back from a setback and remain resilient in the face of demands and difficult circumstances including the ability to survive that is obtained from the results of overcoming a challenging or stressful event. Dr. Novi Qonitatin further explained the factors that influence resilience, namely: I have factor, namely that individuals are aware of external support from the environment; I am factor, a power that comes from within such as feelings, attitudes and beliefs contained in a person; I can factor, a social competence and ability to solve the problems encountered.
The third speaker, Dian Linggar Prasetyo, S.Tr. Kes. invited participants to do brain exercises to learn to focus and at the same time hone the right brain and left brain.
Eko Widyastuti, S.E. as the fourth resource person who shared her experience with her son, namely Ananda Farhan Fadhillah, S.Gz. Mrs. Eko Widyastuti is one of the mothers who has succeeded in educating Children with Special Needs (ABK), namely Farhan Fadhillah who successfully holds a bachelor degree in nutrition (S.Gz.). “It’s not easy for parents to accept deficiencies in their children, of course all parents expect to give birth to healthy and normal children,” said Mrs. Eko. “However, as mothers we must try to be tough and accept our children’s shortcomings,” she continued. “Of course a mother cannot fight alone, family support, a community that is willing to accept the presence of Children with Special Needs (ABK), and the ability to build confidence in Children with Special Needs (ABK) to be resilient are factors to help strong mothers,” she said. Farhan Fadhillah is a Child with Special Needs (ABK) who has just graduated from the Nutrition Science Study Program at Diponegoro University with many achievements who aspires to become a lecturer.
The fifth guest speaker, Farhan Fadhillah, S.Gz. conveyed a message to all mothers not to abandon Children with Special Needs (ABK). “Love us and other children with special needs, just like loving children who are lucky to be born as normal children,” pleaded Farhan. It was because of the love and attention of his parents that made him succeed in graduating from Nutrition Science Study Program Undip with many achievements. Currently Farhan intends to continue his studies to the next level (master degree) to realize his dream of becoming a lecturer. Farhan also told the audience that he had experienced bullying. For this reason, he hopes that the environment will also be friendly and not bully children with special needs.
In the talk show event, the organizing committee gave a surprise by presenting the sons and daughters along with the sons-in-law and grandchildren of Mrs. Asih Budiastuti, S.H., C.N. as Chairperson of the Dharma Wanita Association (DWP) at Diponegoro University who agreed to be the moderator of the talk show. The warmth and harmony of his family became an example for the Undip family.
Previously Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Undip had carried out social activities as a form of concern by providing assistance to flood victims in the Meteseh area. (Ut – Public Relations)