Semarang – Central Java (30/1). Diponegoro University graduated 3,037 people at the 169th graduation ceremony of Diponegoro University which was held in 12 stages, starting from 30 January – 3 February 2023 and continuing on 6 February 2023, at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang Campus.
In his report, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., as Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs said that this graduation was attended by 3,037 graduates, which included 59 people of Doctoral programs, 323 people of Master programs, 83 people of Specialists, 396 people of Professionals, 2,067 people of Bachelors, 76 people of Applied Bachelors and 33 people of Diploma III (D3). Up to this graduation period, the number of Undip graduates has reached 247,617 people. Out of a total of 3,037 graduates in this period, 1,593 graduates or 52.45% of them received the cum laude predicate.
“As an effort to contribute to maintaining synergy between Undip and its graduates, Undip really expects cooperation from alumni to continue to provide feedback via We hope that the graduates will always be successful in pursuing their careers and always become good role models in society. We are truly proud of the academic achievements obtained by the graduates,” said Prof. Faisal.
Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama S.H., M.Hum. conveyed that Undip is one of the best universities in Indonesia and has many achievements, including being ranked 1 (one) National in 2021, University whose alumni can work the fastest in 2022, ranked 2 (two) National in 2020, 2021, 2022 version of UI Greenmetric, and ranked 2 (two) nationally in the 2022 AD Scientific Index. Undip is also always in the top 5 (five) universities that are most in demand.
“In fact, success is not only seen from wealth and social status alone, but rather from the true noble value, namely how much we are useful to others. Success is how much effort we make to help make other people happy, not the other way around to harm or trouble others,” he said.
“Being an Undip Alumni is prioritized to have an honest, fair, courageous and caring personality. Honest in actions and speech, fair in every policy choice, dare to speak the truth according to one’s conscience and have a sense of care for fellow human beings. Like Javanese saying ‘dadi menungso sing bener lan aja keblinger’, even though we may not have much wealth, maybe not possess high rank, but have an independent spirit so that we have the courage to speak the truth according to our conscience. Actually the meaning of success as an Undip alumni is placing his orientation as a person who is humble and always oriented towards thinking about the benefit of others,” concluded the Rector. (Lin/Nuril/Rafi – Public Relations)