Undip Launched Horison Inn Antawirya and Rehealth

The presence of Diponegoro University through the Tembalang Campus has transformed the upper Semarang region to become more colorful. Every year, tens of thousands of new Undip students from all over Indonesia arrive and revive the economy in the Tembalang area and its surroundings. This of course requires qualified accommodation facilities, especially the Hotel PT Undip Mandiri Aneka Jasa Usaha (PT UNDIP MAJU), a business entity owned by Diponegoro University in collaboration with PT Metropolitan Golden Management – Horison Hotels Group to present a city hotel that is able to accommodate the need for a classy and comfortable hotel.

Horison Inn Antawirya Semarang provides the best service for the children of the nation who are studying at Undip. The naming of Horison Inn Antawirya Semarang is taken from the name Bendara Raden Mas Antawirya which is another name for Prince Diponegoro. With the collaboration between Undip and the Horison Hotels Group, it is hoped that it will further improve Undip’s services to the people of the city of Semarang.

In the opening of the Horison Inn Antawirya at the TC II Building Undip Tembalang (Friday 27/1), representing the Rector of Undip, Head of Commercial Business and Risk Analysis Agency (BP UBIKAR), Dwi Cahyo Utomo, S.E., MA, Ph.D., said that Diponegoro University as a Legal Entity State University is legally obliged to do business because its performance indicators include academic and non-academic.

“This hotel development program is an Undip program to revitalize and accelerate the role of PT Undip Maju. One of the businesses of PT Undip Maju is the provision of accommodation and hospitality so that its development is in collaboration with Horison,” he continued.

Undip Maju and Horison are also collaborating with the Rehealth-Obesity and Wellness Center which is engaged in health and fitness. Later it will join the services or facilities at this hotel as well as services at PT Undip Maju.

“The assets owned by Undip are owned by the state so that their use and accountability really must be accountable. Horison will become a partner, to build Undip with the Antawirya brand,” said Dwi Cahyo.

“Hopefully the collaboration between Undip, Horison and Rehealth will provide great benefits and blessings. Undip is able to contribute, both for academic and non-academic, one of which is with business, where this business is also to support non-academic activities such as scholarships or providing student facilities, as well as the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education,” he concluded. (Lin – Public Relations)

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