More Than A Thousand Alumni Present at FPP UNDIP

More than a thousand alumni of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University (FPP Undip) gathered on Saturday, November 19, 2022 at the FPP Undip Campus. The 2022 alumni gathering was very fun because it was attended by alumni from various regions, even from abroad (Timor Leste). The alumni of the first batch of 1964, up to the 2015 alumni also attended this event. Dr. Ir. Cahya Setya Utama, S.Pt., M.Si., IPM as Chair of the Committee reported that the activity with the theme “Guyup Rukun Gayeng Bareng Alumni FPP Undip” is a forum for alumni to meet in order to strengthen friendship between alumni and with their alma mater, FPP Undip.

This Alumni Gathering activity is supported by Partners of FPP Undip, namely PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk and PT BISI International Tbk. Dean of FPP Undip, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo HEP, M.S., M.Agr. IPU, conveyed the progress that had been achieved by FPP Undip and thanked all alumni who took the time to attend and contribute suggestions and ideas for the future development of FPP Undip. “The contribution of the entire FPP Undip academic community to the development of science and technology for the welfare of society is urgently needed,” said the Dean of FPP Undip.

FPP Undip also gave Abhinaya Jagadhita Award which is a form of appreciation from the Big Family of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University to Livestock Farming Groups or Fostered Villages who have been fully enthusiastic and actively participated in collaborative coaching and mentoring activities by FPP Undip in more than one year and or has signed a collaboration with FPP Undip. This time the Abhinaya Jagadhita Award was given to the TUNAS MUDA Farmer Group from Boyolali Regency, the Kembang Wono Livestock Farmer Group from Kendal Regency and the Berkahe Kalkun Livestock Farmer Group from Kudus Regency.

The 2022 FPP Undip Alumni Gathering activity lasted until noon, closed with the distribution of more than 300 door prizes. The event continued with a reunion in each class which was spread in several locations around the city of Semarang to Bandungan. Guyup Rukun Gayeng Bareng with alumni is planned to be held again at the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of FPP Undip in 2024.

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