Undip Community Service Students Created the “Webgis” Application as a Distribution Map of Public Facilities

Nawati Auliatin, Aditya Wirananda Hidayat, Aldilla Natasya Gunawan, Channana Nadiya Salma, Fauzan Fathul Huda, Fortunella Falyagiza, and Frully Zulfania Arrahma are students of Community Service Team 1 Academic Year 2022/2023 of Diponegoro University who carry out the Mono-disciplinary Program which is one of the flagship programs namely making a map of the distribution of public facilities in the Kupu Village, Wanasari Sub-District, Brebes Regency on a “Webgis” basis. Webgis is a Web-based geographic information system application. This Webgis contains information about all public facilities in the Kupu Village such as places of worship (mosques and prayer rooms), schools, health facilities, markets, and others.

Through this website, all information can be accessed by all the people of the Kupu Village and community outside the Butterfly Village. In addition to containing information on public facilities, this website also provides information on the Kupu Village in the form of potential, geographical and demographic conditions.

“Other activities that we carried out while implementing Community Service program includes 2 (two) Multidisciplinary Work Programs and 16 (sixteen) Mono-disciplinary Programs, as well as other activities such as community assistance, assisting Posyandu activities, assisting with services at the village hall, helping with activities in schools, also helping the children in the Kupu Village to study.” explained Nadiya.

“The potential of the Kupu Village is related to the background for the creation of the Webgis, namely the many public facilities in the Kupu Village such as 2 (two) mosques and 22 (twenty two) prayer rooms, 1 (one) market, 3 (three) elementary schools , and 1 (one) junior high school. However, many people, both from the Kupu Village and outside the Kupu Village, do not know about the existence of these facilities. This moved us to help the Kupu village officials and the community through the creation of Webgis so that the community can be helped to find out the location of these public facilities,” she continued.

The community and village officials welcomed the KKN students in the Kupu Village. The community feels helped by the presence of KKN Undip students. The involvement of students in various activities and work programs that they promote is a solution to problems in the Kupu Village which at the same time raises the potential of the Kupu Village.

According to Nadiya, KKN is important for students as a form of concern for the real conditions that occur in society, especially in villages. Students can mingle and play a direct role in the midst of society and implement the knowledge they have gained during lectures.

“As the younger generation who will lead the future, education and organization are very important because these two things can equip us to be involved in society, plus soft skills and hard skills will be honed when we learn in class and in an organization,” she concluded. (Lin-Nuril / Public Relations)

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