UNDIP Community Service Students Invited Karang Taruna of Karangkepoh Village to Learn Graphic Design and Basic Building Design

Boyolali-Central Java (27/1). The word Industrial Technology 4.0 is familiar to many people, but there are still many people who have not been able to develop skills to face the Industrial Technology 4.0 era. Graphic design is a skill that must be possessed by young people because in this era the news media and the delivery of various information have changed from print to non-print or online which can be found through applications, social media, websites, and much more.

Graphic Design Training in Karangkepoh Village was initiated by Community Service (KKN) students with the aim to improve the skills of the people who are members of Karang Taruna in Karangkepoh Village to make designs. It is hoped that the skills obtained would be useful for various purposes such as making posters, banners, and various types of media that require design skills in them.

The training was carried out at the homes of residents of Karangkepoh Village with 10 (ten) training participants representing Karang Taruna RT 01 Karangkepoh Village. Students use the Canva application as a medium for learning graphic design. The devices used in the training include laptops and smartphones by first downloading the application on a smartphone device, while on a laptop device participants only need to open the Canva website via www.canva.com.

Graphic Design Training takes about 2 hours where students explain how to design using Canva directly and are followed by participants by creating their own designs. Students also provide a guide module for participants in designing graphics using the Canva application, which contains procedures for using the Canva application and examples of design results.

The next day the training was continued with basic building design training for Karang Taruna as a form of dedication to the Meditation Area Design Program in Karangkepoh Village.

The increasing development in Karangkepoh Village is also accompanied by the need for innovation and ideas in terms of planning and designing building designs. Students design a meditation area in Karangkepoh Village that can support village development and take advantage of the potential of Karangkepoh Village in the form of a view of rice fields which are very suitable for meditation activities.

Beside that, students also provide training to Karang Taruna RT 01 Karangkepoh Village to design buildings on a basic basis through Basic Building Design Training with AutoCAD and Sketchup Software. This training was conducted to respond to the need for village development which requires building design skills through building design software.

The training was carried out for 2 hours at the house of resident of Karangkepoh Village with the presentation of use of the AutoCAD building design software to make a DED (Detail Engineering Design) such as a basic floor plan by making a floor plan of a 1-storey house and making 3D modeling of buildings with Sketchup software.

Students do building design tutorials directly and are followed by participants with laptop devices. The training is carried out with module guidelines that have been prepared by students to facilitate the building design process using AutoCAD and Sketchup software. Participants succeeded in making their own buildings by following the stages directly and modules. The training was closed with a final check of the design results of each participant by the students and taking a group photo. (Lisa Marie-As/ Public Relations)

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