Semarang-Dialogue “Building Commitment Towards Declaration of Central Java Province SBS Year 2023” facilitated by UNICEF and carried out by the LPPM Research Center Undip with SPEAK Indonesia. This dialogue resulted in an agreement, commitment and strategy to Stop Open Defecation (SBS) in 2023.
The Governor of Central Java, together with several Central Ministries, declared the SBS commitment. Ganjar targets Central Java’s Open Defecation Free (ODF) to reach 100 percent this year.
The ODF level for Central Java Province has now reached 92 percent. Ganjar said, there are 6 regencies and cities that are currently being accelerated for the completion of ODF, namely Pekalongan City, Banjarnegara Regency, Pekalongan Regency, Batang Regency, Purworejo Regency, and Wonosobo Regency.
“There are six districts and cities that are not yet in the status of ODF and still doing open defecation. We are currently working on this, we saw the commitment of the Regents and Mayors to be good.” Ganjar said at Gradhika Bhakti Praja, Semarang City on Wednesday (29/3/2023).
Ganjar mentioned the ODF targets in districts and cities, namely Pekalongan City with 27 villages, Banjarnegara Regency with 219 villages, Pekalongan Regency with 110 villages, Batang Regency with 90 villages, Purworejo Regency with 345 villages, and Wonosobo Regency with 102 villages.
The efforts made by Ganjar include promoting latrine programs, strengthening coordination and integration with regents and mayors, as well as synchronizing and collaborating across sectors to support the acceleration of 100 percent ODF achievement.
Meanwhile, in an effort to accelerate ODF, the Center for Research and Health LPPM Undip was facilitated by UNICEF to provide assistance in two districts that did not yet have SBS, namely Banjarnegara Regency and Wonosobo Regency. The assistance was carried out through audiences and cross-sectoral collaboration by collaborating with the Head of Housing and Settlement Area Work (Pokja PKP) of Central Java Province, Ir. Arief Djatmiko, MA.
The progress of the assistance in two districts, including Banjarnegara Regency and Wonosobo Regency, has an ODF target in June and September 2023.