Encouraging Entrepreneurial Spirit, UNDIP Held Socialization of Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW)

Diponegoro University – Semarang. In order to encourage students to run entrepreneurship and as an effort to improve the tertiary entrepreneurship ecosystem, Diponegoro University (Undip) held the Socialization of the 2023 Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW) on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 08.00 WIB in the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang campus.

The event was officially opened by Vice Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D. In his remarks, Prof. Faisal revealed that entrepreneurship is the strongest business sector when facing a recession. One of the successes of Higher Education is to produce tough entrepreneurs.

“This program is a very good program. As university graduates, students can choose their passion, one of which is success in becoming an entrepreneur,” said Prof. Faisal.

He hoped that in this activity, through guidance from PIC and accompanying lecturers, the students would be able to capture potentials that could have great prospects for funding. With relatively limited funding, at least students are able to provide provisions for the development of other businesses.

In his report the Deputy Director of the Directorate of Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs Dr. Nuswantoro Dwiwarno, S.H., M.H. explained that this socialization activity was a follow-up to the roadshow activities a few days ago at the faculties, along with Student Creativity Program and Student Organization activities. “P2MW was held in order to activate and develop student passion in the field of entrepreneurship. Therefore, there is a need for active outreach. The output of this activity is the MSME Expo.” he explained.

The 2023 P2MW Socialization Activity aims to increase student passion in the field of entrepreneurship through guidance from lecturers and directions from the P2MW PIC. “This event was attended by around 200 people. The hope is that both lecturers and students can collaborate with each other to create ideas related to entrepreneurship that will be accommodated in the Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW). In the implementation of P2MW, we do not start from zero, but it is a follow up program of PMW. The PMW program will be designed by Undip. In previous reports there were approximately 50 to 60 students that we funded. From this PMW, several entrepreneurial embryos will be upgraded to P2MW. It’s like the first step towards P2MW,” said Nuswantoro.

The activity moderated by Anis Qomariah, S.A.B., M.Ling. as a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Undip and PMW PIC was followed by a presentation of material regarding the Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW) by the resource persons. The first resource person was Narulita Santi, S.T., M.Eng., a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering Undip and P2MW PIC who presented material regarding the Systematics of Proposal Writing for the 2023 Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW).

Furthermore, the presentation of material is delivered by the second speaker, namely Anjani Tri Fatharini, S.IP., M.A., a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Undip regarding the Systematic Registration of Proposals for the 2023 Student Entrepreneurial Development Program (P2MW).

P2MW is a business development program for students who already have a business through development and coaching funding assistance by providing business assistance and training (coaching) to P2MW participating students. Universities are expected to design an entrepreneurship development process that is principled on the development of innovative, impactful and sustainable characters.

Higher education institutions are encouraged to develop entrepreneurship coaching programs, business and industry (DUDI) collaboration networks and create conducive ecosystems for the development of experience-based entrepreneurship (experiential learning). (Dhany/Gabriela – Public Relations)

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