Food Festival, Entrepreneurship and Edufest 2023 in SV UNDIP Enlivened the Imam Barjo Pleburan Auditorium

Vocational School of Diponegoro University held a Food Festival, Entrepreneurship and Edufest 2023 for 3 days on 26-28 May 2023 at the Imam Barjo Auditorium, Undip Pleburan. The Vocational School collaborated with PT Sriboga Flour Mill to help develop flour-based MSMEs business. The reappearance of the Food Festival, Entrepreneurship and Edufest 2023 is proof that demand in the Central Java food industry continues to increase and is the most comprehensive event for Central Java culinary entrepreneurs to be able to meet their business needs directly.

In his remarks at the opening of the Food Festival, Entrepreneurship and Edufest 2023, Friday (26/5), Dean of the Vocational School Undip Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Si. said that there are three big opportunities for Vocational Schools, namely job opportunities which means after graduation they are looking for work, secondly after graduation they will become entrepreneurs and thirdly they will continue their studies.

“This activity is an interactive event between small and medium businesses, large industries, cooking utensils, ingredients, banks, various Indonesian or contemporary flour-based culinary delights and an exhibition of work by students from various study programs at the Vocational School Undip. This exhibition is a series of interactive activities which include a food bazaar, baking demonstrations, Talk show, as well as Ingredients Expo,” concluded Prof. Budiyono. (LW – Public Relations)

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