Community Service Activities by the Department of Communication Science UNDIP: The Role of the Teacher Educating Parents and Students to Prevent the Spread of Pornographic Content

The teacher’s role is strategic and at the forefront in preventing and counteracting negative content, including pornography. Through digital literacy, teachers can take a better part. Digital literacy is increasingly needed along with the recent development of internet technology, which has left problematic negative impacts on students.

The Community Service Team comprised lecturers from the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Undip, present among PAUD and SD Karakter Pelangi Nusantara teachers, Semarang, Saturday afternoon (10/6). Lecturers held digital literacy activities for school teachers in Semarang. The training occurred at the Karakter Pelangi Nusantara school, Sampangan, Semarang.

“Digital media has become part of people’s daily lives, especially children and adolescents. This digital media has an impact on children and adolescents, and we are worried about the negative impact of this digital media,” said Agus Naryoso, S.Sos., M.Si., who became the first presenter in this digital literacy activity.

Primada Qurota Ayu, S.Sos., M.Si., Undip Communication Science lecturer, said that in the various studies she examined, many students accessed information they should not see, such as pornography. ECPAT Indonesia’s findings in 6 cities in 2017 revealed that children were exposed to pornographic content through smartphones. The Indonesian Child Protection Commission noted that out of 4,500 junior and senior high school students in 12 cities, 97 percent accessed pornographic content. From these facts, it is necessary to take prevention starting from teachers and schools in providing education and understanding to children.

“Digital Literacy itself is all the activities of sharing knowledge and skills using digital media such as other communication tools or networks in evaluating, using, creating information and utilizing it,” explained Dr. Adi Nugroho, M.Si., the third speaker. Undip Communication Science lecturer Dr. Adi Nugroho, M.Si, then invited the teachers to actively share their experiences while being educators to take on the role of overcoming the negative effects of the internet and digital media, even though it is undeniable that there are many positive impacts that teachers and students get from the existence of digital media and the internet,” said Adi.

Community Service Activities by the Department of Communication Science Undip held digital literacy aimed at increasing knowledge and insight into the importance of digital literacy, especially because teachers are in direct contact with students who are vulnerable to being exposed to pornographic content.

With digital literacy, we are increasingly aware of digital media’s positive and negative impacts that we must address wisely. By knowing digital literacy, it is expected to use digital media for useful purposes and not to abuse it.

“People need to be wise in using social media because if you misuse it, it can have legal implications, for example, being punished for violating the ITE Law,” implied Primada Qurota Ayu. Violations of the ITE Law can enter the field of law resulting in quite severe penalties.

During the discussion and experience-sharing sessions with the teachers of PAUD and SD Karakter Pelangi Nusantara, some views from the teachers were fascinating, and it was urgent to find the best solution immediately. Some of our students are in bad condition since they use their gadgets and cell phones. From this digital literacy activity, the school hopes there will be synergy and cooperation between teachers and parents to participate in educating students so that our students will become students with good character.

Teachers are expected to be able to provide digital literacy to children at school, and of course, parents also support it at home. “There must be good cooperation between the two,” said Adi Nugroho.

Related to this digital literacy, school is a place that has a vital role in forming and developing the knowledge and mentality of students who will eventually become students with character. Schools play a significant role in encouraging the improvement of students’ thinking power and intellect and providing a good psychological experience for students.

This community service activity by the team of lecturers from the Department of Communication Science, FISIP Undip, was opened by the Chairman of the Foundation of PAUD and SD Karakter Pelangi Nusantara, Semarang, Sri Kusmiyati. Sri Kusmiyati appreciated the role of the Undip Communication Science lecturers who synergized with the school to make our world of education, especially students, form a good character.

“The material presented by the lecturers is important for our teachers’ reference so that they can play a role and take preventive measures that teachers or parents of students here can take,” said Sri Kusmiyati.

The principal, Nurun Hikmah, S.Pd., M.Pd., is also committed to continuing to educate her students on gadgets and what content they can access. “We need the support of parents as well because, of course, students spend most of their time with their families and their peers,” she hoped. Educators have to educate children about content that should be seen and vice versa, what is inappropriate.

“One of the efforts is parents and teachers can download several applications that can control children’s internet access,” explained Agus Naryoso.

The enthusiastic teachers in discussion with the presenters of digital literacy emphasized the need to increase communication between parents, children, and teachers. All parties must cooperate within an unlimited period. “Students are with us teachers from morning to evening, and the rest is with their families and peers. So, of course, this requires an increasingly good collaboration,” said Principal Nurun Hikmah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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