The 2023 Diponegoro Art Competition is Held Offline

In the field of Arts and Sports, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Diponegoro University 2023 is holding its annual competition, namely the 2023 Diponegoro Art Competition (DAC), with the theme The Journey of Revival. Finally, after several years this event was held online; it was held offline in two places, namely the Diponegoro University Student Center and Atap Langit Coffee Semarang.

DAC provides facilities that accommodate interest and talent activities for students to express initiatives in uniting ideas and creativity through the largest university-level art activities and hopes to create an art climate at Diponegoro University. The role of students is needed in maintaining and preserving the love of art and culture in Indonesia.

DAC is here to increase the competitive spirit among Undip students and give awards to students so they can compete in the arts they master; develop the interests and talents of Undip students in the arts to be able to improve the quality of student resources in the arts; accommodate the original works of young Undip student artists; as well as preparing prestigious delegates to compete in artistic activities.

Overall, this competition event can be considered an art Olympiad event at Undip, consisting of the pre-event (Ratoeh Jaroe) and the main event (main competition in various branches of art). This year, DAC was held from June 3 to June 23, 2023. Several branches of art were contested, including Male/Female Pop Song Covers, Short Story Writing, Poetry Writing, Play Writing, Poetry Reading, Monologues, Painting, and Photography (color and black&white), Comic Strip, Poster Design, and Vocal Group.

Besides attracting the attention of students and the general public, DAC gathered an enthusiastic audience to watch the participants participate in competitions, including a vocal cover competition for pop songs, which became one of the favorite shows held on Saturday (17/6). This competition involved participants from all faculties in Undip. The participants performed enthusiastically, confidently, and very impressively.

Meanwhile, in the poetry reading competition, the performance of the poetry readers was able to hypnotize the audience and present a strong atmosphere, bringing the audience to be immersed in the beauty of the poetry delivered. DAC is a stage for Undip students to channel their talents. (LW/Dethisa-Public Relations)

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