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Lecturers and IKAK3 Ensure Academic Quality of S1 K3 FKM UNDIP is following Stakeholder Needs through Curriculum Workshop

The Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Undergraduate (S1) study program of the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Undip made several breakthroughs. After obtaining KAN ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, the S1 K3 held an academic curriculum workshop by presenting stakeholders and representatives of practitioners from the industrial world.

The event, which is fully supported by the Occupational Safety and Health Alumni Association (IKAK3), is a form of commitment by study program managers to ensure that the planned curriculum follows the needs of prospective graduate users.

The statement was conveyed by Dr. Yuliani Setyaningsih, S.K.M., M.Kes, Head of Proposal for the S1 K3 Study Program, in Building D FKM Undip, Tembalang Campus, Monday (19/06/23).

“Today, we invite stakeholders to discuss the suitability of the curriculum to suit the needs of prospective graduate users,” said Yuli.

This activity was carried out with the help of alumni who hoped that the academic quality of S1 K3 graduates would be beneficial in the industrial world.

“Through the role of alumni, today practitioners ranging from industry, government agencies, laboratories to hospitals are present to accompany the workshop, thank you to all alumni for their dedication and contribution to the development of the S1 K3 study program,” she added.

Meanwhile, Setyadi Kristyana, Head of IKA K3 FKM Undip, revealed that the alumni welcomed the presence of the S1 K3 Study Program at FKM Undip. He hoped that the collaboration between the managers of the S1 K3 study program could continue in the future.

“Apart from the workshop, we alumni are here to celebrate the opening of the S1 K3 Study Program. We want this collaboration to continue to be sustainable and maximize the role of alumni for the progress of our beloved alma mater,” said Country Manager Kstrong Asia Pte, Ltd.

Fajrul Falakh, Public Relations Officer of IKA K3 FKM Undip, also expressed the same thing. He said that the role of alumni who are currently working in various industrial sectors is expected to present with the K3 FKM Undip specialization. The part of alumni as important social capital makes S1 study programs relevant to the labor market’s needs, especially in the Occupational Safety and Health Expert field.

“Undip alumni across various industrial sectors are social capital that can play an important role in the progress of the S1 K3 study program.” He concluded that continuous collaboration through teaching alumni and practitioners is important for the future.

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