UNDIP Inaugurated the Graduates of the Doctoral Program on Time within 3 Years with a GPA of 4.0

The Civil Engineering Doctoral Program at Diponegoro University has again inaugurated a doctorate with perfect scores, namely Dr. Joko Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc. The exam was held on June 12, 2023, in the theater, teleconference, and smart classroom of the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. The examiner team consisted of Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chief Examiner); Ilham Nurhuda, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. (Secretary of the Session/Examiner); Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Tudjono, M.S. (Examiner); Prof. Ir. Djwantoro Hardjito, M.Eng., Ph.D. (External Tester); Prof. Dr. Ir. A.M. Ade Listono, M.Eng. (External Tester). The family and friends of the graduate attended the event.

Dr. Joko Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., a lecturer in the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Kristen Petra, entered as a doctoral student at Diponegoro University in August 2020. Promoted by Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Buntara S. Gan, P.E. as a co-promoter, he completed his doctoral studies for two years and ten months with the title “Development of Bond Models Between Concrete and CFRP Using Rigid Body Spring Models.”

Dr. Joko Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc. research focuses on developing numerical models using the Matlab programming language. The program is used to model specimens in experimental tests. The calibration process is carried out to test the validity of the program. Once tested, the program is used in parametric studies. Until he finished his studies, the program was divided into two parts, namely the analysis program and the post-processing program. Meanwhile, the pre-processing program still uses the help of a third program. He plans to combine and develop these programs to become an integrated and comprehensive program that can support subsequent research.

This research certainly cannot be separated from the obstacles encountered during its implementation, as stated by Dr. Joko Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc: “The research method or model that I use is a model that was only developed in Japan. Thus, the main literature related to the model is in Japanese. It is a challenge to understand the model in a language I do not speak.” He also explained that running the model must be repeated to get the appropriate results in the calibration process. Each model can exhibit unexpected behavior, requiring dedicated thought and time. During the experimental activities, some problems related to the procurement of materials needed time, various reviews, and schedule adjustments.

“There are many ways taken to complete studies on time. In my experience, there are three agendas to complete the study on time: 1. Take concrete steps in facing the exam stages. One of the potential obstacles for students is the principle of perfectionism in preparing manuscripts. Perfection is a good idea, but with real steps, this principle can help us move forward within the existing time constraints; 2. Schedule routine guidance with the Promoter and Co-Promoter teams. Conducting regular meetings 2 weeks to 4 weeks is the next rule of thumb; 3. Set the target objective of the publication requirements.

Ideally, target publication goals have been determined and conveyed during the Doctoral Proposal Examination so that they have an overview of the publication requirements, including the format of writing and the deadline for writing manuscripts,” he answered when asked about tips on being able to complete the Doctoral degree on time.

For Undip students and prospective Doctorate of Civil Engineering students, he suggested setting academic targets, scheduling regular consultations, and taking advantage of weekly seminar forums. The study program has guidelines for the ideal time to take each exam stage. Following these perfect guidelines can help you graduate on time. According to him, the ideal schedule for routine consultations in doctoral studies is at least 2 weeks to 4 weeks, so the material discussed is significant without being discouraged because it takes too long. Furthermore, it is supported by sharing ideas with fellow students in weekly seminar forum activities and taking advantage of certain opportunities for lecturers involved in seminars so that new ideas about novelty in our research can develop. Having a personal discussion partner is also important in developing research ideas.

This idea is in line with the statement of Prof. Dr. Ir. Buntara S. Gan, P.E., as the co-promoter, that from the start as a doctoral student at Undip, Dr. Joko Purnomo, ST., M.Sc. already has a research proposal concept with a clear direction according to his ability in programming. Apart from that, he can also use his time well and effectively to stay passionate about his research, thus successfully writing publications and dissertations simultaneously.

Dr. Joko Purnomo, ST., M.Sc., inauguration adds to the long list of Diponegoro University graduates who graduated on time (less than three years) with satisfactory results. Of course, this is also an achievement that is achieved jointly by the students and the university so that they can be good-quality graduates and then participate in their respective professional fields. Following the step of Dr. Joko Purnomo, S.T., M.Sc., who, after graduation, plans to develop their program further, make well-planned research output targets so that they are more focused and become a vehicle for climbing the lecturer career ladder. Hopefully, it can be beneficial when he shares knowledge with the next generation and brings happiness and a form of perfection in life.

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