Undip Community Service Students Team Provided Understanding to Pregnant Women to Prevent Stunting

Pemalang (21/07/2023) – Diponegoro University Community Service Team II students of 2022/2023 carried out an activity program related to stunting prevention on July 20, 2023. Undip 2022/2023 Community Service (KKN) Team II students also involved pregnant women at the Pener Village Health Polyclinic (PKD), Taman District, Pemalang Regency, Central Java, through outreach activities.

Undip 2022/2023 KKN Team II students in Pener Village, Taman District, Pemalang Regency, are holding various work programs to solve community problems in Pener Village. One of the programs organized by Undip 2022/2023 KKN Team II students is outreach related to stunting prevention for pregnant women.

The Ministry of Health stated that stunting is the main threat to the quality of Indonesian society. Stunting can be interpreted as a chronic nutritional problem caused by a lack of healthy consumption in the long term, driving stunted growth in children. Stunting can also be passed on to the next generation if not taken seriously. In Pener Village, stunting is one of the many health problems still frequently found. Pener Village has a stunting rate of eight toddlers with stunting conditions. The lack of knowledge of parents about stunting causes this.

Outreach activities related to stunting prevention were conducted at the Pener Village Health Polyclinic, Taman District, Pemalang Regency. This activity was attended by Posyandu Sedar cadres (the name of the Posyandu in Pener Village) from the five existing sub-village and pregnant women in Pener Village. The number of pregnant women who attended the event was 30 participants. Socialization activities related to stunting prevention were filled by presenters from two KKN Undip students, Rafly Kurniawan and Salsabila Prana Damayanti, and two Pener Village Midwives, Tri Hayati, and Sri Kartika. The outreach was also accompanied by providing leaflets containing stunting prevention materials for pregnant women.

The socialization activity was carried out by presenting material on stunting when stunting occurs, causes of stunting, indications of stunting, factors of stunting, myths and facts of stunting, how to prevent stunting by pregnant women, prevention of stunting with Omega-3, balanced nutrition (Isi Piringku), and some material from the MCH Handbook (Maternal and Child Health). Socialization activities run smoothly and solemnly. Especially when calling out the jargon “Prevent stunting!” pregnant women enthusiastically respond with the phrase, “Create a superior and productive generation!”

Through outreach activities related to stunting prevention for pregnant women, it is hoped that pregnant women in Pener Village can apply their knowledge to consume nutritious food for the growth and development of their babies who are still in the womb so that babies are protected from stunting.

Author: Siti Neisya Rahma Isyak

DPL: Drs. Dul Muid, M.Si, Akt

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