Standing Magnificently, FPP UNDIP Inaugurated a Five-Floor Building that Supports Quality Learning

The world of education is required to continue developing amid global competition and the industrial revolution, not only in preparing quality graduates or preparing a curriculum that can be absorbed by industry but also in providing infrastructure. Supporting facilities for qualified teaching and learning activities are needed to comfort students in the learning process. One of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Diponegoro University’s efforts was to build a five-story building to help students study diligently.

The new building at the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Diponegoro University is named the drh. Soejono Koesoemowardojo was inaugurated on Thursday, August 10, 2023. In the future, this new building, equipped with an elevator and various facilities, will be used for the learning process and as a place for students to develop themselves. In his opening presentation, the Dean of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang W. H. E. P., M.S., M.Agr.Sc, IPU emphasized that this building has a café bar facility on the 4th floor for students and lecturers who want to spend time working. It doesn’t stop there. A library with a modern minimalist concept is also prepared for students who wish to read and seek the latest sources for their research. At the end of the speech, Prof. Bambang W.H.E.P. explained that this building stood as the soul of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences. This building was established to provide the best service for students.

The event held from 09.00 to 12.00 WIB was attended by various parties and stakeholders who have routinely collaborated with the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Undip. Among the partners present were PT. Charoend Pokphand Indonesia, PT. Cisarua Mountain Dairy (Cimory Group), PT. Adhiguna Samasta Harsa (The Farmhill), Chairman of the DPRD Gunung Kidul, Nusa Kambangan Open Prison, Kendal Open Prison, Batang Prison, Bank BNI, Bank BTN, Bank BRI, Bank Jateng, Bank Jateng Syariah, Bank Mandiri, and Bank Syariah Indonesia. On this occasion, even the Director of PT. Charoend Pokphand Indonesia, Dr. Hc. Ciu Thomas Effendi specially came to give his appreciation. The appreciation is also considering PT. Charoend Pokphand Indonesia as the sole sponsor of the inauguration of the drh. Soejono Koesoemowardojo, as well as being a close partner of FPP Undip.

Before the ribbon-cutting event, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum, as Undip Rector, explained that Undip strives to provide students with the best service every year. “With the new building at the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Undip, it is hoped that this is a real effort to align Undip’s spirit, rahmatan lil allamin. Undip must be a blessing and mercy for everyone, without exception,” continued Prof. Yos.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Wuryanti Koentjoro, M.M. as the heir of drh. Soejono Koesoemowardojo and the Rector of Undip cut the ribbon to symbolize that the new FPP Undip building can officially be used for students and all academic community. At the end of the session, Dr. Ir. Henny Rizqiati, S.Pt., M.Si., as Chair of the Building Inauguration Committee, also constantly reminds us that this building is a symbol of new breath, new enthusiasm, and genuine efforts to support the teaching and learning process. “With this building, it is hoped that students will be prouder, more active, and have more sense in creating buildings with a green building concept. Considering that this building is surrounded by greenhouse melons and practicum fields for students,” she concluded.

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