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Celebrating the 58th Anniversary, Indonesian Literature UNDIP Lecturers Performed Ketoprak “Darpo Kayun”

Friday evening, August 25, 2023, a Ketoprak performance entitled “Darpo Kayun” was held as the peak event of the 58th Anniversary of the Indonesian Literature study program at Diponegoro University. Unlike other ketoprak performances, this performance stars lecturers and collaborates with the Sri Mulyo studio, Jurang Belimbing, Tembalang, Semarang. Ketoprak “Darpo Kayun” was directed by Laura Andri R.M. and Karnaan and supported by Khotibul Umam and Vikkirrahman Aulia as stage managers.

The ketoprak performance was witnessed by 600 spectators who filled the Multipurpose Building of the Faculty of Humanities Undip. The presence of the Gambang Semarang Community, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dewi Yuliati, M.A., as the opening act, also added to the excitement of the ketoprak performance. The event starts at 20:30-22:30 WIB. The three months of training preparation paid off entirely with the high enthusiasm of the audience. The excitement can be seen from the number of spectators who exceeded the capacity of the seats provided and watched until the event was over.

Even though they only practiced briefly, the lecturers’ performance was no less than that of the Sri Mulyo studio players. This play’s main characters, Darpo and Kayun, are played by Dr. Sukarjo Waluyo, M.Hum. and Dr. Alamsyah, M.Hum. Darpo’s character is a prince with an advisor named Demang Losari. The character of Demang Losari is played beautifully by Arido Laksono, S.S., M.Hum.

The three core roles that run this story are also supported by the role of Prince Darpo-Kayun’s mother, played by Dr. Sukarni Suryaningsih, M.Hum.; the role of Patih Suryodipo by Dr. Dhanang R. Puguh, M.Hum.; the role of Patih Toyomerto by Dr. Oktiva H. Chandra, M.Hum.; the role of Nyai Patih Toyomerto by Laura Andri R.M., S.S., M.A.; the role of Tumenggung Martonegoro by Drs. Ary Setyadi, M.S.; the role of Taruno by M. Hamdan Mukafi, S.S., M.A.; the role of Trusti by Indah S. Nofitasari, S.S. and the role of Resi by Drs. Suharyo, M. Hum. Not only that, but another role also stole the audience’s attention, namely the scene between the robber and the maid.

Drs. M. Hermintoyo, M.Pd. played the role of the head of the robbers, who is assisted by other robbers played by Drs. Slamet Subekti, M. Hum. and Herpin N. Khurosan, S.S., M.A. The roles of maids were played by Marta Widyawati, S.Hum, M.Hum., and Siti Komariya, S.S., M.A as well as supporting players from the Sri Mulyo studio, namely Bagus Taufiqurrohman, S.S., Supriyanto, S.E., et al. With the support of gamelan and lights, the play “Darpo Kayun” becomes a magnificent performance. This performance is the output of IDBU (Undip Assisted Village Science and Technology) community service activities.

In line with the Anniversary of the Indonesian Literature study program, which carries the theme “Caring for Tradition, Celebrating Diversity,” the ketoprak that was staged provides evidence that the Indonesian Literature study program has a high commitment to participate in caring for Indonesia’s original rich arts and traditions. Not only that, the high enthusiasm of the audience, which high students dominated, also showed that cultural events still received a positive response from the younger generation. (Laura/FIB – edited by Undip Public Relations)

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