UNDIP Provided Assistance for One Well-Drilling Point in Gesi Sub-District, Sragen Regency

The impact of the long dry season in 2023 will result in a water crisis and drought, hitting villages in the Sragen district of Central Java. A total of 13 drilled wells were built by various assistance in the northern Sragen area of Bengawan Solo, specifically in the Gesi, Mondokan and Sumberlawang Sub-Districts, one of which was drilled wells assistance provided by Diponegoro University.

Undip through P2KKN (Service Center for Community Service Lecture) carried out community service activities in the form of assisting at one well-drilling point in Sragen Regency in Gesi Sub-District, Srawung Village, Tuesday (27/9). The movement was coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Puryono KS, M.P. and inaugurated directly by the Regent of Sragen, dr. Hj. Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati.

Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T. (Chair of the Institute for Research and Community Service Undip), Prof. Dr. Agus Subagio, S.Si., M.Si. (Deputy Head of Research), Prof. Dr. Rahayu, S.H., M.Hum. (Deputy Chair for Community Service), Kurniawan Teguh Martono., S.T., M.T. (Head of the Service Center for Community Service Lecture/P2KKN), and Satriyo Adhy., S.Si., M.T. (Secretary of P2KKN) attended the well-drilling point site.

In his speech, Prof. Sri Puryono said that Undip provided assistance with one drilled well in Gesi Sub-District, Srawung Village RT 8, to provide clean water facilities.

“A drop of water is the source of our life. To ensure that springs are maintained, trees are planted when the rainy season enters as an effort to protect springs,” he said.

In line with Prof. Sri Puryono, Regent of Sragen, dr. Hj. Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati appealed to residents to plant trees like Gayam so that the water source is sustainable.

“It is hoped that assistance from well-drilling points will reduce the impact of the long dry season, which causes drought. Laboratory tests have also been carried out to analyze water quality,” said the Regent of Sragen.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of LPPM Undip explained that the background to this activity was that the Gesi Sub-District was the location for the Undip Community Service activities.

“Current conditions in the sub-districts on the northern side of Bengawan Solo are being affected by drought problems, one of which is Gesi. Undip provided assistance with one drilled well as a form of Undip’s empathy and concern for the impact of the drought that hit Gesi,” he said.

“Undip is always ready to carry out service in any field because we are supported by personnel from various multidisciplinary disciplines, including free medical activities, assistance with water facilities, or assisting in disaster activities,” concluded Prof. Jamari. (LW-Public Relations)

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