Thematic KKN UNDIP Students Introduce the Importance of Digitalizing MSMEs as a Marketing Strategy to Improve the Community Economy in Klareyan Village

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the productive business fields developed to support the national economy carried out by individuals or business entities. Digitalization of MSMEs is an effort to market MSME products by digital-based MSME actors. In this industrial era 4.0, with digitalization, business actors can utilize social media and e-commerce as marketing media for MSME products.

Based on the results of the field survey, there are more than 15 MSME actors in Klareyan Village, Pemalang Regency. Many MSMEs still use conventional marketing media rather than digital marketing media. Some of the reasons MSME actors find it difficult to manage digital marketing media are because there is a need to understand the benefits and methods of digital marketing media and manage digital payments.

Based on this background, Diponegoro University Thematic Community Service (KKN) student 2023 Anisa Candra Yuliandini created a program to socialize the importance of digitalizing MSMEs to MSME actors in Klareyan Village, Petarukan District, Pemalang Regency. This marketing digitalization socialization is underway with the aim of increasing the income of MSME actors so that they can welcome economic independence in Klareyan Village, Pemalang Regency.

The socialization was carried out by presenting material regarding the importance of digitalization and the benefits obtained by MSME actors, such as being able to expand market reach, improve product quality, save on promotional costs and shop rentals, and make it easier for consumers to shop which can be accessed 24 hours, as well as ease of transactions. Next, there will be an explanation of how to create an account and sell products using social media and e-commerce, which are most widely used by Indonesian people, namely Instagram, Shopee and Tokopedia.

“Klareyan Village has many potential MSMEs but is still lacking in marketing. Thus, digitalization is needed to help improve the economy of the village community,” said Dr. Fahmi Arifan, S.T., M.Eng. as supervisor of Undip Thematic KKN.

Ir. R.T.D. Wisnu Broto, M.T. stated that the implementation of the Undip Thematic KKN will allow the application of what has been learned while studying at Diponegoro University and can help overcome the problems that occur among MSMEs in Klareyan Village. Therefore, this socialization activity is a reasonable means to solve the issues in MSME actors directly.

The implementation of this scientific work program was carried out on Saturday, July 29, 2023, at the Klareyan Village Hall, Petarukan District, Pemalang Regency. This socialization activity received a positive response from MSME actors. The hope is that this program can help MSME actors understand the importance of digitalizing MSMEs and are interested in engaging in digital business, increasing village economic independence, creating new jobs for Klareyan Village residents, and making MSMEs go digital and go international.

Author: Anisa Candra Yuliandini – D4 Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology

Location: Klareyan Village, Petarukan District, Pemalang Regency

KKN Supervisor:

  1. R.T.D. Wisnu Broto, M.T.
  2. Fahmi Arifan, S.T., M.Eng.
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