UNDIP is Ready to Hold the 66th Anniversary Celebration

Semarang-Central Java (13/10). Diponegoro University is ready to hold its 66th Anniversary ceremony with the theme “Synergy and Acceleration of Undip towards a Golden Indonesia 2045” at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang campus on Sunday (15/10). In accordance with the agenda, Undip’s 66th Anniversary ceremony invited the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. H.M. Syarifuddin, S.H., M.H. He will deliver a scientific oration entitled “Law Enforcement Based on Pancasila: Sociological Perspective on the Actualization of Pancasila Values in the Judicial Process.”

The Rector of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. said that as an educational institution, Diponegoro University is ready to produce the young generation graduates who support superior, quality and characterful human resources towards a Golden Indonesia 2045. As a pillar and fortress of Pancasila, Diponegoro University not only provides academic education but also graduates who have character and uphold the values of Pancasila. “Pancasila is not just spoken, but is instilled and implemented in everyday life,” emphasized Prof. Yos.

Diponegoro University is 1 of 10 universities among 4700 tertiary institutions in Indonesia that are included in the world-class university ranks. Undip achieved National Ranking 1 for Universities whose alumni got jobs the fastest based on the QS Ranking for Employability in 2021 and 2022; 2nd national ranking and 30th in the world ranking of Sustainable Universities based on UI Greemetric in 2020, 2021, 2022; ranking 2nd National Best PTNBH in 2021 and Top 5 Best PTNBH in 2022; Top 8 National rank for World University Rank in the 2023 QS WUR Version; Top 5 favorite universities 5 years in a row; more than 20 internationally accredited study programs in ABEST, FIBAA, ASIIN accreditations; 22 study programs ranked 1 to 3 nationally. This achievement is carved out and supported by the successes and proud accomplishments of lecturers and students, as well as the synergistic performance of educational staff. For this reason, Undip continues to improve the quality of world-class education supported by competent and professional teachers, as well as excellent learning facilities and actual performance.

Before the Undip’s 66th Anniversary ceremony at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, the Diponegoro University Scholars Pillar will be inaugurated under the name of Prof. Dr. H.M. Syarifuddin, S.H, M.H. by the Rector of Diponegoro University. Undip is committed to always upholding Prince Diponegoro’s values, namely the values of honesty, courage, caring and justice. The implementation of these noble values is realized by giving awards to professors and figures who have contributed their knowledge to Undip, the wider community and the Indonesian nation. The figure of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. H.M. Syarifuddin, S.H., M.H. deserves to receive this award for his contributions and knowledge that are beneficial to society, the progress of the nation and law in Indonesia. (Ut-Public Relations)

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