Utilizing Digital Technology, KKN UNDIP Students Published Srandulan Arts

The Community Service (KKN) Team II students of Diponegoro University (Undip) 2023 held socialization activities regarding digital technology as well as training on the use of social media Facebook on Monday (24/7/23) to realize the hopes of the residents of Gebangharjo Village, namely the publication of Srandulan Arts so that it is known to a broad audience.

Srandul or Srandulan or also Srandil is one of the cultural potentials in Gebangharjo Village. This art displays a folk dance drama with the theme “Ngesti Budoyo,” which depicts guidance on the world of human marriage. Srandulan involves 23 performers in one performance and is divided into several groups, namely 6 character actors, gamelan and angklung music players, and women accompanying the songs.

The development of the times has caused the Srandulan arts tradition to sink so that the revival of Srandulan arts is a high ideal or hope for the residents of Gebangharjo Village, especially members of the Srandulan arts organization. However, understanding digital technology is an obstacle for Srandulan arts members to start the publication digitally.

The development of digital technology has experienced an extraordinary transformation in the last few decades. This development has influenced almost every aspect of human life, including culture. Digital technology has opened the door for communities to maintain and promote their cultural identity. Communities can share their stories or traditions through social media, blogs, and other content-sharing platforms.

Through the 2023 KKN Undip Team II program, one of the Undip students, Maylatasya Regina Yuditha, collaborated with the Srandulan arts community in Gebangharjo Village to provide education about digital technology. The collaboration aims to enable community members to utilize digital technology to publicize Srandulan activities.

The socialization was carried out in one of the residents’ houses, namely Mrs. Sar, and received high enthusiasm from the community. Most Srandulan members already have smartphones that can support the continuity of the program.

“We often make videos during practice, Mbak, but we only upload them to WhatsApp stories,” said Mbok Sri, a member of the Srandulan arts community who consistently documents Srandulan practice activities, Monday (26/7/23).

After providing socialization regarding digital technology, the assistance given continued with training in taking videos and photos as well as using the Facebook platform as a forum for publicizing Srandulan activities. Students have created a particular Facebook account for Srandulan Arts called Gebangharjo Srandulan. The training participants, consisting of men and women, were formed into several groups with one student tutor. Each tutor then explained the steps for taking documentation, using Facebook, and how to upload the results of the documentation on Facebook.

From this program, Srandulan arts members can understand digital technology and utilize the social media accounts that have been created to publicize Srandulan arts activities so that the potential of Gebangharjo Village can be more widely known.

Author: Maylatasya Regina Yuditha | D4 – Information and Public Relations | Undip 2020

Field Supervisor: Muhammad Azhar, S.H.LLM., Drs. Eko Ariyanto, M.T., Muhammad Subhan S.IP., M.InternatRel.

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