TRKI SV UNDIP Initiated Innovation Learning System Based on Teaching Factory for Biodiesel and Drinking Water Production

The Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology Study Program (TRKI), Vocational School, Diponegoro University (TRKI SV UNDIP) held a Learning Innovation Workshop Based on Teaching Factory Biodiesel and Drinking Water Production for lecturers and teaching staff from the TRKI study program, which was held at the Gumaya Hotel recently. This activity is part of the Competitive Fund program, funded by the Directorate General of Vocational Schools (Ditjen Diksi) in 2023.

In his speech, the Head of the TRKI Study Program, Mohamad Endy Yulianto, S.T., M.T., said that lecturers and teaching staff must continuously improve their competence in teaching factory-based learning and business management to prepare graduates who have Start-Up motivation and produce graduates according to industry needs today. Endy said the TRKI study program has implemented a “Dual System” curriculum with 50% learning on campus and 50% in industry. However, for students who still need to reach 50% in industry, we will direct learning based on the Teaching Factory, which, of course, refers to the TEFA TRKI Learning Guidelines Document.

With the Teaching Factory-based learning in the campus area, it is hoped that students will be able to learn and master expertise or skills that are carried out based on actual industrial work procedures and standards. Therefore, TRKI lecturers and staff have been equipped with various competency certificates such as OHS Implementer, Energy Audit, Manager Industrial Energy and other certifications, as well as implementation of ISO 45001:2018, which is one of the requirements as a TEFA-based teacher and manager.

In this activity, Endy hopes that all lecturers and teaching staff can take advantage of the sharing of experiences from resource persons so that they can implement it by modifying the “Characteristics of Vocational Learning” on the TRKI campus, Vocational School, Undip. Currently, the courses that have been designed are based on the Teaching Factory, such as Occupational Health and Safety, Industrial Water Treatment Technology, Utilities, Technology-Based Companies, Chemical Industry Process Analysis and other courses.

Present as resource persons for the Learning Innovation Workshop Based on Teaching Factory Biodiesel and Drinking Water Production, namely Dr. Novi Hery Yono, S.T., M.T., from PPSDM MIGAS and Novita Harpan, S.T. from Asia Pacific Sourcing Manager FMC Indonesian (PT. Bina Guna Kimia). They shared tips and tricks for lecturers and teaching staff at TRKI, Vocational School, and Undip in learning and managing a Teaching Factory-based business. The resource person conveyed the main aspects of Teaching Factory-based learning, such as program foundation, program design, program monitoring and evaluation, as well as success indicators.

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