The extended family of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Diponegoro University (FPP Undip) held community service activities in Pati Regency. One of the Tri Dharma activities of higher education is community service. The 2023 Undip FPP Animal Science Department of the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences Undip held a Social Service. This community service is a tangible manifestation of caring for others. The active participation of all Undip Animal Science Department lecturers in fundraising was realized by providing educational assistance funds for 12 orphans and people with disabilities. Apart from that, 109 packages of necessities were also handed over to families in need.
The social service activity was held at RM Rakarori – Tunggulsari Village, Tayu Sub-District, Pati Regency. “Hopefully, this assistance from FPP Undip will be useful for the Tunggulsari community,” said Dr. Ir. Sri Sumarsih, S.Pt., M.P., IPM, as Chair of the Animal Science Department. It was further explained that apart from holding social service events, the Animal Science Department also had training activities for beef cattle and duck breeders in the Pati Regency area.
Dean of FPP Undip, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo HEP, M.S., M.AgrSc., IPU advised that this social service activity was implemented to create familiarity and relationships between the community and Undip so that there is no gap between the campus and the community. “We at FPP Undip will respond as well as possible to the problems that exist in society, especially in the animal and agricultural science sectors, so that they can be resolved immediately. Farmers can be more successful and improve their family’s economy,” said Prof. Bambang.
The Pati Regency Agricultural Service fully supports this series of community service activities held in Pati Regency. Head of Department Ir. Nikentri Meiningrum, M.Si., accompanied by the Head of Animal Science Andi Hirawadi, S.Pt., MM, were present at this service activity. “The synergy between the Department and Undip will be beneficial for the success of agricultural programs in Pati Regency,” said Niken in her speech.
Farmers in the Pati Regency area will undoubtedly get a lot of additional knowledge and appropriate technology from FPP Undip. Concentration-making training for beef cattle farmers can encourage farmers to make quality concentrates independently. Meanwhile, it is hoped that maggot cultivation training for duck breeders will provide high-protein feed for ducks raised by the Pati Regency community.