Diponegoro University (Undip) appointed 3 (three) professors from the Faculty of Engineering on Monday, December 11, 2023, at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, Tembalang, in the event of the Inauguration Ceremony as Professor at Diponegoro University. The lecturers who were confirmed as professors were Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tauviqirrahman, S.T., M.T. (Mechanical Engineering); Prof. Ir. Eflita Yohana, M.T., Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering); and Prof. Dr. Sri Hartini, S.T., M.T. (Industrial Engineering).
In his scientific speech entitled “Innovation in Lubrication Models and Surface Modification Technology as a Solution to Increase the Reliability of Artificial Hip Bearings and Glide Bearings,” Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tauviqirrahman, S.T., M.T., explained that the lubrication process for machine components is critical to pay attention to. The lubrication process will ensure the successful functioning of the details because it can reduce friction and wear. Bearings are one of the lubricated products that are currently widely used.
“In biomedical applications, artificial pelvic bone bearings often face the main problem, namely impingement in the form of collisions between components when used for intense movements such as prayer movements in Muslim communities. The movement indirectly causes the bearing life to be shorter. In industrial applications, sliding bearings have a major problem in the form of the lubricant sticking due to high friction. Apart from that, the noise level of the sliding bearing during operation is also quite high,” explained Prof. Tauviqirrahman.
He added that the service life of these bearings can be increased through various surface modification technologies, either physical, chemical or a combination of both. This innovation has been proven to prevent collisions between components in the artificial hip joint during prayer movements.
Meanwhile, Prof. Ir. Eflita Yohana, M.T., Ph.D. in the presentation of her scientific work entitled “Innovation of a Low-Temperature Spray Dryer System to Support the Processing of Tea Leaf Extraction Results,” explained that tea had become a drink that has many benefits and has become a culture in Indonesian society. Increasing tea production must be followed by improving the quality of the products produced. Through post-harvest processing technology, this increase can be achieved.
In order to be more competitive in the market, it is necessary to increase the variety of tea products that have added value, one of which is by making instant tea powder. “This instant tea will provide convenience in the form of a serving process and wider usability. Processing tea into instant tea powder requires spray drying technology. The spray dryer system has 3 (three) important components, namely the dehumidifier, drying chamber and cyclone,” said Prof. Eflita Yohana.
Next, Prof. Sri Hartini delivered scientific material entitled “Implementation of Lean and Sustainable Manufacturing to Improve Company Performance.” Lean and sustainable manufacturing is a system that creates value for customers by consistently eliminating waste and adopting processes that are environmentally friendly, economically viable and safe for employees to produce green products that improve social performance. So far, the integration of lean and sustainable manufacturing has been carried out, but still only partially.
“The implementation of lean and sustainable manufacturing needs to start by developing a performance measurement model based on lean and sustainable manufacturing so that it is holistic because it is carried out based on information about indicators that are not yet efficient so that the improvement process is more focused,” explained Prof. Sri Hartini.
She added that the performance evaluation model and implementation of lean and sustainable manufacturing were developed to identify problems in economic, environmental and social aspects so that management has direction in making improvements. This analysis tool is known as sustainable-value stream mapping. The implementation model was developed as an alternative method to provide advice on reducing problems. Lean and sustainable manufacturing can improve economic, environmental, and social performance so that manufacturing is efficient, environmentally friendly, and safe for humans.